Friday, September 15, 2006

Master Cleanse

I need to lose weight. Bottom line (no pun intended). I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror the other day (okay, I was closely scrutinizing myself in the mirror), and I was HORRIFIED. At what point did I make the transition from "slim" to "fat?" I was always the skinny girl... 6'0" and 135 pounds. I ate all the time - whatever I wanted, as much as I wanted. Then one day I stepped on the scale and I weighed (shade your eyes if you want to keep your image of me intact) 200 pounds. Two hundred. I have officially transitioned to that girl with :such a pretty face." I used to be FLY - now I have to catch my breath after walking up several flights of stairs in the subway. So it's time to make a change. I am serious this time - no more cartons of Breyers in the freezer and no more Papa Johns delivery at 10:00 p.m. And the first step in this process is the Master Cleanse. Like one of my fellow bloggers, I am driven to make a list of reasons why I am doing this. Maybe if I have something concrete to look at, I will have more motivation when I see an Olive Garden commercial on television. So here are the reasons why I am doing the Master Cleanse:

1. I would like to jump start my weight loss. If at the end of 14 days, some of my pants are not as tight, then I will be motivated to continue altering my diet.
2. I need more energy. On my days off, I may not get out of bed until well after noon. But yet the next day, I can barely drag myself up out of bed. A lot of it is probably secondary to the fact that I hate my job, but this might help me.
3. I need to prove that I can dedicate myself to something and actually see it through. I have always prided myself on my tenacity and perseverance, but as of late, I have been slacking on sticking to the things that are actually good for me. If I can make it to day 14 without faltering, I think it will go a long way toward improving my confidence in myself.

So before I go to bed tonight, I will have my first cup of tea and tomorrow I will start the infamous Master Cleanse. If you have done it, holla at me - I want to hear your stories (both positive and negative). If you just have some words of encouragement, definitely send those. I will be on this damn thing during my birthday (sucks, I know), so I need all the help I can get. Say a prayer, yall...

The Fatty Formerly Known as Skinny :)

ADDENDUM: Make that 208.6 pounds. It's gotta go.


Jameil said...

master cleanse scares me. there's a blog called if that helps.

GreatWhyte said...

Thanks, Jameil... I took a look at it. He just started too, but he didn't have all the stuff he needed. Anyway - I'm a little scared myself. This first day is already some bullshit :( And I am SO HUNGRY!!!!

Adei von K said...

yeah. i'm scared too. not the biggest fan of excercise, i'd rather do weights/toning excersise. as a matter of fact, some simple resistance excersises will build muscle and melt fat. a couple sit-ups/crunches every morning and night will do wonders for a midsection, lat pulls for a nice back and squats for a toned booty and nice thighs. of course the simple push-up will perk up pecs without going under the knife.

i'm done!

Jameil said...

don't listen to her. she's never weighed more than 112lbs w/o trying. she ain't gotta do nothing... then again maybe we should listen to her b/c i wouldn't mind losing a few lbs. either....

GreatWhyte said...

I probably should stop being such a lazy ass and start exercising... it's just so hard for me to get motivated by myself. We'll see how this goes and maybe when it's over I'll start walking or something

Adei von K said...

I weighed 116 after Spring Break sophomore year thankyouverymuch. Remember me wondering why I thought my underwear shrunk? naw boo, you gained weight.

X- that's the thing about weight loss. You can't just diet. and with excercise, actually MOTIVATING yourself to do it is the hardest part! It doesn't have to be anything intense or formal... just consistent. 10 crunches in the morning and 10 at night. Start there okay?