Friday, September 22, 2006

Day Seven

Don't ask me what why my weight went up today; I didn't drink my tea like I was supposed and I was really slacking on the lemonade so... I don't know. Unfortunately I won't be able to give you guys any weight updates over the weekend because I am going home for my 29th BIRTHDAY TODAY (YEAH!!!!!!). I don't think I'll be back with any stories about fabulous birthday parties like someone I know or beatiful flower arrangements like someone else I am hatin on but it's all good... you only turn 29 once and I'm not bitter :) Have a good weekend everyone!

Morning weight: 201.8(-7 pounds)


Jameil said...

yay!!! happy birthday!! why would you start a cleanse knowing your bday's in the middle????!! will you maintain it? can't wait to hear all about your fabulous bday.

Adei von K said...

Water retention. That's all. Not to be nasty but you can drink hella water and pee all that out.

*LOL* shake the hater stick!!!

I hope you have a BOMB 29th birthday!!! You have a lot to NOT be bitter abt miss young, black professional, fly thing!!! Happy Birthday Monique!!!

La said...

Happy B-day X!

And also, I'm super proud of you! Don't let that minor setback get you down!!! :-)