Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Green Eyes Really Aren't All That Sexy

No one really reads this, so I guess I don't have to apologize for being away for so long, but hey... sorry, anyway!!!
Topic of the day is jealousy. What is so special about another person that they can inspire a feeling as intense and destructive as jealousy? Jealousy has brought down empires; jealousy has destroyed communites; hell, jealousy has even brought about the total annhilation of health and happiness. So knowing all of this, why would any self-respecting women succumb to the warmth and comfort of a good old-fashioned jealous fit? I used to think that it was immaturity, and that the little green-eyed monster of jealousy would cease to exist as soon as I got the proverbial "old enough." But, alas! How incredibly wrong I turned out to be. After all the 007 days and "Mission Impossible" nights, I honestly thought that I was past any need to participate in the self destruction of jealousy. But just when you think nothing can send you back to that place, BAM!!! It all comes back with a vengeance. As women, any little thing can inspire jealousy. She's prettier than me, he knew her before he met me, she's more successful than me, she knows him better than I do, they spend more time together, blah, blah, blah, BLAH!!! I am as much a victim as any woman out there - just this evening I found myself in the grip of a baby fit of jealousy, but then I rethought my position. Why be jealous? There must be something special about me, or we wouldn't even be here. So just a little note to all of you women out there who might find themselves in the same position: do you. Don't let the past get your blood pressure up. Homegirls are homegirls, and lady friends are lady friends. Know your role, and remember: green eyes really aren't all that sexy.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Gobble, Gobble

So its Thanksgiving Day - well, technically its the day after Thanksgiving. This year was a different one for me... I didn't spend it with my family at all, but instead enjoyed the hospitality of some family friends. Its so weird... kinda makes you feel guilty for intruding on what tradition dictates as a "family holiday." But nevertheless, I am extremely thankful that they thought enough of me to invite me into their home and share their Thanksgiving with me.
For me, family has always been my mom. Sure, I had other family members, but she was the one constant, the one that I always thought of first. So on this third Thanksgiving without her, I have to take a minute and think of some other things for which I am thankful. I am thankful for my life - the life that was given to me by two faceless, nameless people, but more importantly the life that was created for me by my REAL MOTHER. I am thankful for love - the love that she shared with me for so many years and the love that I continue to be able to share with others because of her example. I am thankful for success - the example of hers and the continuing evolution of my own. I am thankful for failure - mommy always said that it built character, and she was right. But beyond that, it showed me that there would be better times in the future. I am thankful for my friends, both old and new. Friendship is essential to the soul, and the relationships that I have built have sustained my soul and shaped my life. And finally, I am thankful for things yet to come. Lately I've been expanding my horizons and trying to step outside of the stuffy, 28-year-old bore I was becoming. So thank you to the person who has shown (and continues to show) me that life can be about more than traditional relationships and conventional boundaries... your hype man was right, and I couldn't be more thankful!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Girlfriends, Part 2

As I thought some more about the whole girlfriends question, I realized that I didn't give you a visual. So here are some of the girls at my 28th birthday party... recognize me? Posted by Picasa

This is me... canary diamonds not included. Posted by Picasa


What is it about your girlfriends? As women, we look for girlfriends to share our life with - women who can identify with our situations and share our pain. Women who will stay up all night with you when your man is caught cheating and women who will curse your ass out when they find out that you are cheating on a good man. But there is always a line that you just don't want to cross... why is it that women will only share so much with their girlfriends? For every insignificant piece of information that my girlfriends know about me, there are fifty others that they don't. So why is it that women don't share details about their man with their girlfriends? Do we simply not trust the very people that we claim to trust the most? Ladies out there: can you ever be completely honest with your girlfriends about the innermost secrets of your relationship with your man? Or do you keep the juiciest parts to yourself? Just curious...