Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's Thursday, You Ain't Got No Job, and You Ain't Got SHIT To Do!

Don't you hate when someone says "Oh, I' so sorry to hear about _________ (insert appropriate event here)," when you know what they ACTUALLY want to say is "Ding dong the witch is dead!!"? Just thought I'd ask... DAMN I have a hard time letting shit go :)

Anyway... today I have a.... DAY OFF!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! So as I got up this morning and looked around my new place thinking of all the things I need to be doing in order to get this joint in order, I thought to myself: forget about it. Today is my day off, and I refuse to spend it doing work- of ANY variety. What I would really like to be doing is taking my dog for a long walk in the park, doing a little more shopping at the sale at Banana Republic, going to get a fabulously long massage at the spa, and ending it all with a head massage at the hair salon. However, I am anxiously awaiting pay day, and therefore none of those things fit into my budget! So instead, I am laying on the couch catching up on my soaps from the last two weeks (yeah DVR) and leisurely reading other peoples' blogs. Since I moved here and took the new job, I haven't taken alot of time to myself. So today I am going to do exactly that. Give me a little while to think of something to profound to write about, and I PROMISE I'll be back today.


Sha Boogie said... jealous! Why are you up? Get back in bed and watch Maury!

GreatWhyte said...

I forgot all about Maury, damn! Ah well... I think I'm safe in assuming tha it was another paternity test show!

Jameil said...

yay for doing what x wants!!