Saturday, January 19, 2008

5:47 p.m.

Place an X by all the things you've done.

[x]Smoked a cigarette
[x]Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
[ ]Laughed so hard you pee'd yourself
[x]Been on a hayride
[x]Rode a motorbike
[x]Gone on a blind date
[x]Skipped school
[x]Watched someone die
[x]Been to Canada
[ ]Been to Europe
[x]Been to Mexico
[x]Been on a plane
[x]Been on the opposite side of the country
[x]Gone to D.C.
[x]Swam in the ocean
[x]Cried yourself to sleep
[ ]Played cops & robbers/cowboys & Indians with neighborhood kids
[ ]Recently colored with crayons
[ ]Sang karaoke
[x]Paid for a meal with only coins
[x]Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
[x]Made prank phone calls
[x]Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
[x]Caught a snowflake on your tongue
[ ]Danced in the rain
[x]Written a letter to Santa Claus
[ ]Been kissed under the mistletoe
[ ]Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
[x]Blown bubbles
[ ]Made a bonfire on the beach
[ ]Crashed a party
[x]Gone roller skating
[x]Gone Ice Skating
[ ]Gone Scuba diving
[ ]Been deep sea fishing

Part II
1. Any nicknames?
Mo, Monie, Big Bird, X, Amazon

2. Mother's name?

3. Favorite drink?
Alcoholic: mango margarita
Non Alcohol: Coke

4. Love your job?
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. I'm sorry- you were serious? No.

5. Birthday?
September 22

6. Favorite vacation spot?
Out of the places I've been so far? Barbados. Ideal spot? Bora Bora.

7. Ever been to Africa?
No. But I absolutely would love to.

8. Ever eaten cookies for dinner?
Day before last as a matter of fact.

9. Ever been on TV or in a movie?
Yeah, but never as a feature.

10. Ever steal any traffic signs?
That's some white people foolishness... no.

11. Ever been in a car accident?
Yes. Quite a few as a passenger and a driver.

12. Drive a 2 door or 4 door?
Four door.

13. Salad dressing?
Raspberry vinaigrette.

14. Favorite season

15. Favorite number?
Duh... 13

16. Favorite movie?

17. Favorite holiday?
Not so big on holidays, but anything that pays time and a half

18. Favorite food?
Macaroni and cheese

19. Favorite dessert?
Red velvet cake

20. Favorite day of the week?

21. Favorite month?

22. Favorite toothpaste?
Crest Whitening

23. Favorite smell?

24. What do you do to relax?

25. Do you have a message to your friends reading this?
Yeah, honor your commitments and mean what you say. And it's never too late to start over.

26. How do you see yourself in 10 years?
Married with children

27. What do you do when you are bored?
Sleep, write, Sudoku, watch TV

28. Furthest place you will send this message?
No telling

29. Who will respond the fastest?
Nobody probably will because things are getting soooooo old. Ah well...
Whoever reads it first.

30. Who is the least likely to respond?


Jameil said...

HHAHAHAHAHA. mmmm foooood. and really what do people do with stolen traffic signs other than put them on the wall? retarded. lmao @ anything that pays time and a half. or gives me a comp day!!

GreatWhyte said...

Yeah... we all know that I love food

Anonymous said...

ooooh this was a good post...I prolly have x's beside a lot of things on that list.....

quiet as kept