Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I resisted doing this for precisely the same reason as everyone else: I hate making all of these promises to myself and then being down because I accomplished exactly none of them. But I'm going to issue this disclaimer: shit happens. I may not get all the way there. But if you catch me slippin on any of these, call me out.


1. Make nine consecutive on-time student loan mayments. Oh yeah, boys and girls, it's real like that. When the man is after you, you gotta follow the rules. So after $9360, I'l be good on #1.

2. Speak what is not as if it were so. Contrary to science, in life positivity attracts positivity. So if I speak it out loud, it'll be. Period.

3. Stop letting other people put their trash into my trashcan, because when I'm have something that belongs in there, it won't fit. Your shortcomings are not my doing. Your failures aren't mine. No more. If you're ungrateful, then I'm not giving anymore.

4. Stick to the yoga AT LEAST three times a week. At least. They're starting a 30-day challenge at the studio, but my work schedule is too iffy for that. Three days. I have to commit.

5. Stop pulling him in when I want and pushing him away when I don't. He made a choice and then I made a choice in response. He's gone and I need to let him go to be free to find something better with someone better. And there is someone better for him than me.

6. 2007 is over. I can't get it back and I don't want it back. Stop talking about what I could've done and what I should've done. I couldn't and I didn't. So release it. You can't reach out to grab something new if your hands are already full.

7. I'm growing my hair out. No scissors (unless it's for a quick triim) until 2009. I'm even going to try to go without a relaxer until then too, but that's iffy. I was so beautiful when my hair was long, and I DESPERATELY want it back.

8. Say no. It probably sounds crazy coming from me, but I don't say "no" HALF as much as I should. If I'm tired or I'm sick or I'm broke or I'm sleepy or I'm hungry or I just plain don't want to, then NO. And I'm not giving an explanation. No is sufficient.

9. Find my birth parent(s).

10. Bring Christmas in on an island. No matter where or for how long... sun, alcohol, suntan lotion, and water. Vamanos.


Jameil said...

you know i'd love to be able to call you out but there's really no way for me to call you out on these. for that i'm pouting. but nonetheless welcome back.

La said...

1. doable. keep the promise you made about not helping other people to your detriment.

2. amen

3. can you remind me of this one in about a month when the newness of 08 has worn off and I'm still trying to help everybody else with their shit?

4. I'm so looking into starting up again. I'm telling you, even more than the weight loss (which its fantastic for) you will feel so much more at ease.

5. um... youre gonna have to email me

6. chuuuuuuuuch

7. alright, I'm IN. no scissors except for trims, no trims more often than every 6 weeks. about those prenatal vitamins...

8. the explanation is where i always go wrong. I can sometimes say no but then I'm all "well I cant because..." and thats just as stressful as saying yes in the 1st place

9. satus?

10. I'm thinking a trip PR for xmas 08. You in?

GreatWhyte said...

1. I know. I really don't have a choice- gotta get right.
2. And praise the Lord too :)
3. I sure can... and ditto for you.
4. That's what they say... we'll see :)
5. Okay.
6. Seriously. It almost had me shouting too!
7. I bought the simple CVS brand. Take one a day and avoid the scissors like the herp.
9. Stalling.
10. I SOOOOOOO am. Details, please.

Adei von K said...

i love #2.
and somebody made crazy money on 'the secret'... that's no secret!!

i just read la's comment... pre natal vites do make the hair and nails grow don't they?

Jameil said...

YAWN. la will you actually go thru w/this one?

GreatWhyte said...

Whatever hater... we're "ay mami" bound. Viva San Juan (or wherever!)

La said...

oh honey. I'm 4 for 4 in my travel plans thus far. Don't think that just because I don't blog about them I'm not getting them done.

But you're more than welcome to stay in Pittsburgh and contemplate whether or not I'm "going thru" with this one.

Jameil said...

like the NYC trip for NYE?

GreatWhyte said...

Hey, I was here.

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

Yeah the 9 consecutive payments is real. The man is a MF. I am on my 9th payment then I come out of default and get back in good standing and they take off all those damn late fees. Out of default I can go to back to school and get my Ph.D Holla. Welcome back! I missed cracken up daily form your comments.
