Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh The Weather Outside is Frightful!!!

Hey guys, not many words today. Just that I, once again and as usual, HEART BARACK OBAMA!!!!!

I woke up this morning to about six or so inches of snow on the ground, on the steps of my house, on my car... well, you get the point. If you want to hear my dismay live in color, check out my voice post here or just listen on the little red widget at the bottom.

Okay... more "In Treatment," and then beddy bye for work tomorrow. Maybe I'll call you guys from work. **ooh!! ahhh!!! pharmacy post!!!** LMFAO!!


Jameil said...

I love that there's a best of obama website. billary is so wack.

Eb the Celeb said...

Friday was in sane in the northeast...

I stayed home!!!