Thursday, August 30, 2007


Not fired. Just severely chastised. And reprimanded. And all that. Had to sign some stupid counseling card. Remembered that becoming a floater means forfeiting my $5/hour night differential. And it means decreasing my base hours from 42 to 30 per week.

Anybody know a legal side hustle??


soumynona said...

legal - 1. Of, relating to, or concerned with law
2. Loosely used to mean `in accordance with all the relevant rules'
ahhh, yes, a loophole.
The only relavent rule is making extra money so the possibilities are endless, just make sure you don't get caught and that you can sleep well at night - of course Im not serious =>
p.s. You put your boy J on blast, he's cute

GreatWhyte said...

You're funny. Jarrod is cute and I didn't mean to put him on blast (for the 43,826th time!!!!). **throwing my hands up**

Jameil said...

did you see i'm mad at you b/c i dreamed of you and you were not actin right? yeah. i left it in my comments. since you don't know i'm mad at you yet (officially), i'll comment. GLAD YOU'RE NOT FIRED!! umm.... as for side hustles, you got me there. can you make anything? you could become a phone sex operator. telemarketer? mail envelopes from home.

Southerner in Suomi said...

I have gone back to waitressing three times when money was tight. But since you want to bitch slap most of the people that come in your pharmacy, I wouldn't suggest waitressing.

And I would suggest the pole, but I just had this vision of Bishop busting in the club with a pistol. That would be bad all around. Lol.

La said...

I know one!

Oh wait... you said legal.

I'll get back to you...

Adei von K said...

weren't you going to sell @ss on St. george's street??

GreatWhyte said...

Jam - your comments where? I never saw that. I'm sorry you're mad at me????? No, I can't make shit. And I wouldn't be able to take myself seriously as a phone sex operator; I would be giggling all the time. Guess I could mail envelopes, though.
V - yeah, I have CRAZY respect for waitresses. I'm too clumsy and my patience... forget about it! I could go back to the pole, but Bishop... not so much :)
La - yes my dear... LEGAL. I'm WAY too fabulous for jail :)
Stace - only you would remember that. **sigh**

La said...

LMFAO @ V and Bishop coming in w/a pistol.

And X you know I believe legality is strictly defined by the act of getting caught.

Jameil said...

on my page. we're in a fight.

So...Wise...Sista said...

Legal is so overrated.

GreatWhyte said...

Jameil, I'm SO not scared. LMAO. You better BRING IT!!!!