Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Better Late Than Never, I Guess

While I am FULLY aware of how belated this, I am also aware of the fact that I made a promise. So... as promised, here are two pictures of the infamous tattoo that Bishop said I couldn't handle, so I did it anyway **I showed him!**

I was good...

And then I wasn't!

The end
**How much do you love those love handles, though??????????**


Still Patrice said...

GORGEOUS tatt! The colors are so vibrant. Oh, the joys of lighter skin :)

Jameil said...

OH MY!!! that is a GINORMOUS TATTOO!! its pretty. sidenote: are you wearing a green sweater w/a pink bra? *giggles*

Southerner in Suomi said...

Tell Bishop to step off, cause next thing you know, he's always gonna wanna be seeing it (wink, wink).

I have a massive tatt on my back too. It was rough. I was sweating a bit by the end.

La said...

Couple things...

#1 Bitch those are NOT love handles. I can show you love handles.

#2 that tattoo is fabulous. And now I REALLY want another one

#3 I can't fully tell b/c you're laying down, but I think this haircut might be devastatingly fierce.

And Joy says...


Adei von K said...

that tat is amazing!!! oh i know that middle finger was well warranted! how long did that take? did you do it all in one sitting? its beautiful!

and so is your hair!

So...Wise...Sista said...


GreatWhyte said...

pajnstl - thanks! That's realy the only reason I noticed the tattoo in the first place was because of the colors. I didn't really register how big it was until he did the stencil on the paper.
Jam - yes, yes it is! And no, bitch (as if this is any better) it is a green sweater and a FUSCHIA tank top **striding off into Delta land angrily**
V - yeah, he's a big fan :) Just a bit, though? I was sweating like a runaway slave!!
La - per the love handles, keep in mind that I was lying down, so... they are larger than life when I'm standing! Thanks about the tattoo... you really should. And the hair; it really was hot when I first got it done. But as it grew out, I had to either commit to it or bae the in between nightmare. I couldn't really resign myself to having such short hair forever, so... I got some weave and rode it out! Oh yeah, and thanks Joy :)
Stace - yeah, all in one sitting. it took about 2.5 hours (or so I was told). It relly didn't seem like that long. But it hurt like HELL. The finger was for Bishop when he was telling me to suck it up like a man.
Thanks Wise!

Shai said...

It is pretty, I could not do it. How many tats do you have?

Southerner in Suomi said...

X, it was October, but hot in the boot. I put on a sports bra so I had on less layers.

Also, I have a slightly abusive tattoo artist. (I've known him for years, so he was not sympathetic to my pain.)

When I asked for a break, he told me to shut up and pushed me back down. Twice. I got a break the third time.

the joy said...

seriously, for a first, that one is serious. you are a brave girl, and it turned out great. and your hair is hot.

Victoria Page said...

Your tattoo is beautiful!!!!!

shani-o said...

My. God. That is HUUUUGE.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Also, LMAO at you striding off into Delta land... you can have it! :-)

GreatWhyte said...

Shai- two. The butterfly came first, it just looks like it's part of the flowers.
Joy- it's actually my second. I got the butterfly back in 2004. But it is definitely gonna be my last! Thanks on the hair... it was nice in theory. But honestly my face is too big for that little bit of hair!
V- you're WAY better than me!
Victoria- thanks! Last one, though.
Shani- yeah, I really didn't realize. But I'm a big chick, so...