Saturday, October 07, 2006


It just occurred to me (after I stopped to wonder why I am still awake at 1:46 in the morning) that several things have struck me as being funny this week. Since I have such terrible short-term memory, I decided to write them down hopefully for yall's chuckling pleasure.

1. I was watching Def Comedy Jam, and this one comedian was messing with this man in the front. The man was rather uptight and he wasn't laughing at any of the jokes. So the comedian starts mocking him and saying, "I'm so smart. I don't have to laugh, I can spell it. H-A H-A H-A!!" (it was much funnier when I saw it on TV)
2. A corpus callotomy???? I was watching a commercial for this week's Grey's Anatomy (shut up, Jarrod - you keep mine, and I'll keep yours) when I heard Dr. McDreamy (what a dumb ass name) say that he was getting ready to perform a "corpus callotomy." I laughed out loud until I realized that it was real.
3. I was watching a rerun of My Name Is Earl, and Joy was upset that this Asian woman who lives next door was stealing her clients (she does nails). She called the lady Chinese, and Earl was correcting her, saying that he thought she was Vietnamese. Joy says, "I don't care of she's Chinese, Vietnamese, or Chucky Cheese, that bitch has gotta go!"
4. My chief resident was giving morning report today and he was updating us on this patient who has been around for a while. He says, "I don't think the patient is the problem. I think her husband is MSM on the DL." So this silly little Asian medical student says, "Did you say 'MSM?' What is that?" After we all stop laughing (it's a medical term that she should've known, just like STD or HIV), he says (very patiently), "MSM is men who have sex with men. You DO know what the 'DL' stands for, right?" She looked so perplexed that I could hardly stand it.

There's more, but like I said, my short term memory is the WORST.


Adei von K said...

I'm tripping out over the "My Name is Earl" bit LMAO

What is a corpus callotomy??? that sounded fake as hell!

GreatWhyte said...

Yeah, Joy is that funny racist, if it's possible to be that! A corpus callotomy does sound fake as hell, though, you're right, but it's real. The corpus callosum is what holds the two halves of your brain together, so a corpus callotomy is a surgical separatiom of the membrane that holds the pieces together. They perform that procedure in patients who have seizure disorders that haven't responded to medical management. The theory is that if you destory he connection between the halves of the brain, the electrical waves can't travel across the brain and cause a seizure.

Jameil said...

x... and for the record, you have me all skeptical every time i watch grey's now that the medicine may not be accurate. score one for grey's! yesssss!! i like that show in its nighttime soap opera-y-ness.

the joy said...

i saw that on def comedy. then he kept saying, you need your ass beat! pimp with a roommate? you need your ass beat!

GreatWhyte said...

Joy - YES!!!!! How you gon' be at the class reunion and you got your GED? You need yo ass beat!!!!! H-A H-A H-A!!!!

Adei von K said...

now I remember. i learned abt that in psychology. wow. the things we "learn".

is joy played by jaime kennedy?

GreatWhyte said...

Yeah, Jamie Pressly. She makes the show!