Monday, March 03, 2008

Making the Blog

In case you're wondering, this one is under pressure. As a member of Jizzy's Making the Band (go Team Diva!), my first challenge is to write a three part story with "all the elements of a cliffhanger." Err???? This is much more La's forte than mine, but she's on my team, so maybe she'll make us proud. You know what- I'ma be on some real rebellious, fuck you, I ain't walking to Brooklyn to get you no damn cheesecake type shit... I'm only giving you two parts. So there! **nah nanny boo boo**

Part 1

I can't do it. Sorry, I tried. Honestly, I did. For two hours, I tried. And I got nothing. Please don't eliminate me Jizzy.


Jameil said...


Jarrod said...

Can I get in on this?