Sunday, July 29, 2007

Things I Be Wantin to Say When I'm Working the Overnight

Quit bitching! If you want to file a complaint, here's a card with my name on it. Now beat it!

If you're bringing in a prescription to be filled, that's "dropping off." So stand at the window that says "drop off," not "consultation."

Just because you're waiting in the store doesn't mean you have to stand in front of me and glare. FYI, that makes me move slower.

If the sign says, "please come inside," then bitch COME INSIDE!!!! Don't sit in the drive thru, you won't get helped!

If I'm texter 96 and 98 and you're looking for 97, just give me the damn tickets, PLEASE!!

You stink. Please don't stand so close to me.

You're fired. Now go tell your little terrorist friends that shit in your language!

It's GENERIC not GENETIC! And for the 365,396th time, YES it's the same!

YES someone is back here! You don't have to run up front and tattle to the night shift supervisor because you walked up and didn't see me in the first three seconds. Snitch.

No, we do not have methadone 10 mg #360. At least not for you. And not tonight. So beat it. Now.

Yes I'm reading a book. Yes it's "Roots." Yes it's good. No I'm not planning an uprising. And no, I haven't seen the movie.



Rashan Jamal said...

Is genetic the same thing as the brand name? I'm not sure... LOL

You a little frustrated tonight? I feel that. Some times customers are just the stupidest people. I wonder if people think that about me when I'm in the store or calling in. I sure hope not.

GreatWhyte said...

Yeah. Sorry. We definitely are saying that about you. And YES they are the f*$@ same thing!! **lol**

Southern_Lady said...

LOL @ "genetic." I could so hear somebody saying that! Any type of customer service is aggravating. God be with you. lol

Adei von K said...

its the old people who say 'genitic' isn't it? or th poor educated blacks. whoa, did i sound like a old white man just now???

tripping the hell out at 'SNITCH' LMAO!!!!!!

Man, should i go back to RX school and become a 'druggist' (lol) NO ONE will get inordinate amts of narcs. i just trust NO-ONE with those meds!! i don't care if you're on 4 a day dosage, get it somewhere else!

So...Wise...Sista said...

I dare you to say at least one of those things outloud in the next 24 hours. lol

Jameil said...

lmao @ "If you want to file a complaint, here's a card with my name on it. Now beat it!" chile i love when people ask for my name. PLEASE call my boss. PLEASE.

the craziest people are up in the middle of the night. i'm normal but i love being up all hours. but the crazies??? they make me want to throw things!!!

also lovin "you stink" and tellin everyone to beat it!!!

furthermore... we all know you're lying when you say you're not planning an uprising. if nothing else says uprising "Roots" does!!

shani-o said...

Wait... generic and namebrand are the same? No WAY! :-)

La said...


I think I hurt myself.

Victoria Page said...

'If you're bringing in a prescription to be filled, that's "dropping off." So stand at the window that says "drop off," not "consultation."'

....that is sooooo me. LOL

Ms.Honey said...


If only we could slap some folks and not fear firing LOL

I would have done it a long time ago