Friday, April 18, 2008

Post Script

It is never appropriate to be behind the pharmacy counter bawling one's eyes out, yet that is what I am doing. Know how I said I was going to read "The Last Lecture" this week? Well I did... Today. Everybody should read this book; you, you, YOU... Yeah, even you. Please buy this book. You'll want to prop your eyes up with flaming sticks just so you don't have to wait until tomorrow for the end. You'll want to read it once a week for the rest of your life. You'll want to read it with your husband, your wife, your parents, your children... READ IT! The meaning of life cannot be found in these pages, so don't even bother to try looking for it. But what is between these two covers is a conversation that everyone should have with themselves. A pep talk, an ass whipping, self therapy, communion with a higher power... It's all in these few pages. Randy Pausch is teaching me how to live even as he dies. In his story, I see clearly the things that my own mother was trying to do in her final months. Live not as if you're not dying, but BECAUSE you're dying. This, by FAR, is my favorite book of the week yet.


Dreamy said...

Is that the story about the guy they were doing a special story on who has cancer and will die soon. But he is living the best life he can before he leaves this earth? If so I found his article to be very toching. We as human beings complain so much over little things where there are people who know they have a terminal illness and they live life to the fullest. I love to read i find that reading can take you to another state of mind and it teaches you so much. Love your blog

Dreamy said...

Is that about the guy they were doing a special story on who has cancer and will die soon. But he is living the best life he can before he leaves this earth? If so I found his article to be very touching. We as human beings complain so much over little things where there are people who know they have a terminal illness and they live life to the fullest. I love to read i find that reading can take you to another state of mind and it teaches you so much. Love your blog

3:07 AM

Rashan Jamal said...

Are you saying this book is good? LOL.

yeeaaaahh. I don't read anymore, and inspirational stuff bothers me. so I'm just gonna have to take your word for it.

Glad you like though!

Veronica said...

My favorite pastime is reading, yet it's getting harder to find the time. Where I used to go through a book in a day or two, my latest has been dragging out for a couple weeks.

In any event, can't pass up such a glowing recommendation and will have to check it out.

Exquisitely Black

GreatWhyte said...

Dream- welcome! Pull up a chair! Yeah, that's the guy... it really is a great book.
Rashan- I'm sorry, did you say that inspirational stuff bothers you. **sigh** That is sooooo strange!
Veronica- welcome to you too, Soror! Gotta make time for the books... calms tehe mind.

Adei von K said...

for real homes? i'm kinda scared now... i take it its non fiction?

GreatWhyte said...

Stace- yeah, it's nonfiction. I saw him on Oprah first actually delivering his lecture, but the book is so much better. I'm pretty sure that the lecture is still up on youtube if you want to watch it.

Monie said...

I saw him on Oprah and I was bawling, girl! I will check this book out.