Friday, April 18, 2008

Library Time

Slipped this week on my reading... That book about the gangbanger was some ISH. I don't know what was expecting, but all I got was murder, drugs, money, more murder, guns, and WAY too much unintelligible gang dialect. **sigh** Again, maybe I set unrealistic expectations, and just because Essence magazine said it was a "must read" didn't make it so. But honestly, is it too much to ask for an honest, straightforward account of your life and how you turned yourself around without resorting to the stereotypical "Black literature" speak? **sigh again** I feel like I shouldve just watched Boyz n the Hood again.

Next up is "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. Since that's a short one, I'll commit to "Belong to Me" by Maria de los Santos also... I'm working all weekend!


Jazzy said...

lmao @ shoulda just watched Boyz in the Hood!

I used to love Essence...but they started slipping on a LOT of things a long time ago.

Victoria Page said...

*sigh* co-sign....I find myself second checking a lot of Essence "must reads"

Adei von K said...

*side eye* to essence's 'must reads'. no thanks. at least you finished it and can thankfully put it behind you!

who was the author of the book?

GreatWhyte said...

Diva and Victoria- it's a crying shame that Essence assumes that as a Black woman, all I want to read about are the trials and tribulations of Black people.
Stace- Dashaun "Jiwe" something... I'm at work and I can't remember.