Monday, July 14, 2008

New Yorker

Yeaahhh... about that First Amendment foolishness...


the joy said...

The explanation that the ny-er gave for the picture is not easily depicted in it. They say it was to satirize the crazy things people believe about Barack, but to me it looks like they're making fun of him instead. The point maybe would have come across if there was a cover depicting McCain too... But alas. So boo to them.

Muze said...

booooo to this pic.

this just made me mad.

satire or not, it isn't funny.

GreatWhyte said...

Joy - Yeah, I read that little
"explanation." I can't say for certain whether it's true; however, it really doesn't matter to me. The cartoon was in very poor taste and should not have been featured as a cover of The New Yorker. Besides, what would the cover of McCain have been... they would've come at him on some dumb shit like him being a million years old.
Muze - I concur. Boo nigga, boo.

Blah Blah Blah said...

I won't be buying the NY'r anytime soon...made sure I sent my buck 76 on what I thought about thier idea of "satire"...

It's BS...but I wouldn't doubt if it was secretly generated by the other side...I'm cynical like that.

cherry's kid said...

I was so mad this morning when I woke up and saw it on CNN. What made me even more mad was the fact that CNN ran a poll asking their viewers if it was satire or racist...And what made me want to be a 1970s Black Panther was the fact that 52% thought it was satire while 48% thought it was racist!!!!! Who are these 52%?

Southerner in Suomi said...

My whole thing is, the general public is pretty effin' stupid. Which is why the false information about Obama spread so far.

You show this to all the stupid people, they are going to think "if the New Yorker published it, it must be true" unaware the the 10,000 word article inside praises the hell out of Barack

Muze said...

did you see the pic they did of mccain and his wife?

...trying to stifle the flames by making it even.
