Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Take 1,329,973. Dammmmmmmn Jenah. You suck. I L-O-V-E Chantal's dress. But I'm still not feeling her. Saleisha, seriously? Don't fuck this up for us.

Did Walmart absolutely HAVE to shoot this damn "Soul Food" inspired Christmas dinner commercial? Complete with the uber extra uncle picking off the food. **sigh**

If Miss J doesn't look a damn fool! "Stomp to the death?" Word, Tyra? Damn, Chantal. "I don't know if she's the kind of person I want my little sister to look up to." Wow. Low blow. But what does she have on, though? A tent?

They picked a weird picture of Saleisha. She looks almost anorexic. If you're white, Twiggy loves you. Hands down. Jenah's done. No doubt. "Rainbows incessantly?" I see you with the SAT words! What does Jenah's resentment towards her mom have to do with her being a damn model? NOTHING. Boo. Crocodile tears better not make her a finalist.

With her name in them.

And I love Drew Barrymore as a Cover Girl. She's fab.

Fakey fake fake Chantal. Boo on you. Where are the tears? Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh Saleisha. Get it! Damn, can a bitch get a porter to help her with that big ass duffel bag?????

I miss Saleisha's old hair. I'm over this bob. Ty. Ra. You look like boo boo. Smelly boo boo.

Wowwwww. This J'adore Dior commercial with Charlize Theron is fiyahhhh!!

Oooooohhhhhh Tyra is a modeling bitch! Chantal looks mad stiff to me. Chantal's seecond gown is gorgeous.



She tripped the man on the stilts! Priceless. Lying ass. When Saleisha asked her if she stopped, she said no. Uhhhh... okay.

Tyra should NEVER do the onion bun. Ever. No mas. Saleisha crushed that runway. Finally, someone agrees about Chantal. Ramrod stiff.

America's Next Top Model is......

Saleisha!!!!!!!!! Rock on, bitch.

Goody! "Crowned" is next! Smooches.

1 comment:

Adei von K said...

girl, that wal-mart commercial is the pits! and I think drew b as a cover girl is HORRENDOUS! What did they do to her eyes? she looks like one of those bratz!

yeah, sal's hair never really got it for me.
and isn't tyra gansta on the runway?!?! i love it!

onion bun? that can stay over in china.