Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Que Serra, Serra

I am staring down the barrel of a particularly scary gun.... Friday I have a big interview for a residency program at a hospital in Brooklyn, and for the first time, they are asking me to give a brief presentation. Now ordinarily that wouldn't be a problem: I like to think that I'm a natural at standing in front of people and presentating myself and my information well. The problem here is that for the first time I will be presenting to PROFESSIONALS.... real live experts on the subject matter in question, and I am TERRIFIED. What if I'm not really as smart as I look on paper? What if I missed an important point when I was developing my presentation? What if I sound like I don't know what I'm talking about? What if they ask me questions that I don't know the answer to? What if, what if, what if????????
Wooooo sahhhhhhh..... OK, after taking a cleansing breath, I feel a little better (I just had a mini meltdown!). I still feel the residuals of anxiety, but I think I might make it. It's just that I REALLY want this position, and this is a one shot deal. I justkeep telling myself that they must have thought something of me when they read my application materials, or else I wouldn't even be going in for an interview. But, damn!!!!! Nothing can work you up into a self-doubting frenzy like the thought of standing in front of a gang of white people who are looking at you and expecting gretaness. Oh Lord, I think I made the anxiety come back!
Well - que serra, serra - whatever will be, will be. I have faith that God didn't bring me this far to let me fall flat on my face, but just in case, I'm keeping my fingers AND toes crossed!!!!


Jarrod said...

It's common to have doubts about these types of things. I'm going through a similar situation. You just have to tell yourself that you can do it. I know it sounds corny and trivial, but it's true. Besides if you don't believe in you who will??

GreatWhyte said...

Thank you for that... I'll let you know how it works out.

Jameil said...

well... whatever i say now will be moot in the way of encouragement so let me say i hope you did the damn thing!!!

bedstuy chick said...

I am sure u did well... I find that if you just be yourself and relax you'll do just fine. Self confidence is comes across as does self doubt!

Setta B. said...

I'm sure you did/will do well. Be sure to pray and center yourself. If you can't answer a question, say you are not certain and promise to get back with them on it (even though it is a one shot deal!). Then, move on. Believe in yourself! You got it!

Setta B. said...

Oh, by the way. Do well so you can kick it with me in Brooklyn, soror!