Monday, September 22, 2008

So dears... here are some pictures from my birthday celebration this past weekend. I went back to VCU to hang out with my linesisters for our tenth anniversary and then had the most FAAAAAAABULOUS champagne brunch on Sunday with them and a friend. Shout out to the right side of the table and the lucky gentleman in the middle :)


shani-o said...

Awww, hey sistergreeks! Mo, you look gorgeous!!

Were those stepshow outfits? Very cute! I'm all about fros right now, lol. Can't wait for mine to get ginormous.

Adei von K said...

Awwwwwwwwww!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! The pics are quite lovely!! DivaSTating!

Southern_Lady said...

Awwww Sorors! Too cute. I can't wait until my 5-year next month.

the joy said...

Gosh you're tall. And your hair looks gorgeous! I'm glad you had fun.

pserendipity said...

Happy Birthday, Soror!! You guys all look gorgeous!

OffdaShoulda said...

My favorite pics are the ones with the your blog!

:) happy birthday!

GreatWhyte said...

Shani- thanks :) Yeah, the theme of the show was Heroes vs. Villians, so the girls did Austin Powers Goldmember.
Adei- thanks! Great weekend, slow birthday.
Lady- awwwww... congratulations in advance!
Joy- yes, yes I am. And the funniest part is that for once, I had on flats and everyone else had on heels. Bah.
Serendipity- thanks!
Lyfe- yeah, those were their step show outfits. Those wigs were the TRUTH!

Southerner in Suomi said...

Oh look at those fros!!!

X, you're an amazon. Lol. So glad you had fun.