Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Is There A Doctor in the House?

Finally, the answer to that question is "YES!!!!!" I have finally finished, and as of Sunday, May 14, 2006, "Confessions of a Professional Woman" is now written by Me, Pharm.D. It feels pretty strange, to be honest. I have worked so hard for so long, that it doesn't even seem real to me anymore. Plus there's that minor problem of my name on my diploma being misspelled and it being left off of the magna cum laude list. Oh well... I'm done Time to push forward. So thanks to all of you out there who contributed in ANY way to this degree - hope I made you proud :)
And as a side note.... whoever is posting these silly little anonymous messages on my blog, either stop or identify yourself. Trying to hurt me without having the balls to write your name is silly, elementary, and cowardly. And for the record, your comments regarding my family were not only incorrect, but they were extremely hateful. So give it a rest already!!


Jameil said...

congrats doc!! that's so cool. i'm always so proud of the pharmacy students. i used to visit people over in kitrell in the middle of the night and admire the dedication!!

Jarrod said...

Since you're a doctor now, what you got on my Xanax???

Anonymous said...

Questtion.................? Don't you have to have the GPA to be magna cum laude? Maybe that is why you were not listed. Just a novel thought.

GreatWhyte said...

Answer..... yes, you do have to have the GPA to be magna cum laude. According to my official University transcript, I do... it was just an oversight that my name wasn't listed. But thanks for your interest :)