Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cinco de February-o

Remember when I would be bored at work during the weekend and post like fifteen times in one day? Well, this one's for you Jameil. Here are five things that you don't know (at least I hope you don't know) about me.

1. I want to get married in the next two or three years. I guess it probably makes sense if you know how old I am, but lately, I have really been feeling that pull.

2. I think Barack Obama is on CRACK for announcing his desire to run for President. Now before I start getting all this hate mail, let me explain. I am all for a Black man running for President of the United States. And not only that, I think Obama could potentially be that man. But I just don't think that he's ready. I honestly believe that he needs to wait it out until 2012 and regroup. Not because I think our country isn't ready for a Black President, but because I don't think that Barack is ready to be that President.

3. I am a little bit psychic. Not in a "CALL ME NOW!!!" Ms. Cleo kind of way, but sometimes I have dreams and a few days later, they come true. Every now and then I just have these really vivid dreams that play out in excruciating detail, and then before I know it, it happens exactly the way I dreamt it.

4. I'm afraid of bridges. Tall or short, long or short, bridges over water scare the LIFE out of me. When I was little I used to have these dreams where my parents got in an accident and drove off the Hampton Roads Bridge. Ever since then, I have been crazy afraid of bridges. And it's crazy because I spent most of my life in a place where I had to travel over them to get practically anywhere and now I live in New Jersey. Bridge capital of the PLANET. Sigh...

5. Ooh I think I like him!!!! Enough of that.


Jameil said...

i kid you not. before i saw this post, i was about to click on my aol link to send you hate mail. i'm not sure barack can win this year either AND i think its a bit early but you know when there is a "good" minority, we get fast tracked, sometimes before we're ready. i'm with you on #1 (*whispers* don't tell anyone)but it scares me.

i dream at least 2xs/night and a lot of them are out there. i do NOT want them coming true. but i do get feelings about things and just know it. i love bridges. you need not come to pittsburgh either. but if you do and don't tell me, i will be pissed.

5... hell no that ain't enuf of that unless i scroll down and see more info in the other posts... and i better.

p_nami said...

Married in the next 2 or 3 yrs...I can sorta guess how old you are ( I think). I HEAR it happens when you least expect it :-)

I wondered the same thing about
Barack, but maybe his time is now. The momentum is there and maybe it's good that he is trying to seize the moment. Who knows what can happen in 4 yrs.

Good luck on the new romance.

La said...

Yay! You're home!!!

I'm crazy scared of bridges over water too. For an explanation see my 5 random tags thing. I think sometimes I may be a lil psychic too but then I remember I don't believe in the idea of psychics as paranormals but rather people who are more in tuned with their instincts than others allow themselves to be.

Yaaaaay to the yes and double yes. This is me with my fingers crossed