Friday, March 23, 2007

Too Legit to Quit, Hey HEY!!!!!!!!

Hey guys, long time, no see...... I have been MIA because I have been crazy stressed out, but you will be pleased to know that I am finally, FINALLY licensed. You are reading the words of an official, legal, licensed in the state of New Jersey as a pharmacist. YIPPPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am no longer workin dirty :) I am the new overnight pharmacist at CVS in Rahway, New Jersey. So gone are the days of the overworked pharmacy student, the overstressed pharmacy resident, the angry and confrontational graduate intern. I'm in charge, bitches, so look out...............


Southern_Lady said...

Congratulations to you!

thee modern isis said...

wow.. congratulations chica!

Jameil said...

congrats!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get thee back to blogger. i can't freakin take it.

Adei von K said...

ow!!!!!! get it X!!! licensure is a big deal no matter the profession! i'm so proud of you!

T Dot said...

Congrats! Watch out, Jersey!

GreatWhyte said...

Thanks for the love, guys... I really appreciate it. It has been SUCH a long process (mostly my fault because I was stalling!), but now it's over... yippee!!!!!!

Setta B. said...

That's wonderful news, lady! I know you feel like a new woman. I do have a question though.

How is the night shift treating you so far?