Friday, July 27, 2007

On the Drive to Work

Yeah, okay. So I'm late on this too, but so what? But the "Same Girl" remix feat. T Pain, though? WOW. I just... I just can't.

So everyone's favorite party girl, Lindsay Lohan got arrested AGAIN for DUI and cocaine possession (sorry again, newsies, but I work nights and NEVER stuff like the Today Show). But what I LOVE about this story is that when they pulled her over and questioned her about the cocaine (that incidentally was in HER pocket!!), she said, "it isn't mine." **SIGH**


That is SO gangsta... I just love it to pieces. That girl has a serious problem. It would be sad if it weren't so damn funny. Hahahahahahahah! It wasn't mine. Hahahahahahahah! I'm pregnant. But its not my baby... even though you found it nestled comfortably and afloat in my uterus. Again, hahahahahahahahahah!

That is all.


Adei von K said...

"...even though you found it nestled comfortably and afloat in my uterus"


Jameil said...

not "nestled comfortably and afloat in my uterus"!!


Jarrod said... is never ok to write the word uterus so freely. That being said, I think your ignorance has increased since you started this nightshift

So...Wise...Sista said...

Have you seen the latest about LL? She apparently was driving chasing her somebody else's car. And she had 2 dudes in the backseat and when the cops approached her, she said "the black guy was driving, not me." Talk about gangsta. Said black boy shoulda whupped her high ass.

Jameil said...

omg but do me and stace say the exact same things w/o seeing each other's comments????? how bizarre is that???

Ms.Honey said...

Why was I talkin to someone about the remix the other day not only does it not make sense doesnt' MAKE SENSE LOL

La said...

*thud*<--- me falling on the floor laughing

If this is what working the night shift does to you, keep at it! Lol

LiLo shoulda gotten her lilly white ass kicked for that comment.

GreatWhyte said...

Jarrod: whatever, though. It's my blog and I can say uterus if I wanna **nah nah nana nah** And you're lucky becase I was gonna say "emerging from my vagina." So there :)
Wise: yeah, unacceptable. But the black guy was... well a little Caucasianized, to say the least, so he didn't seem to mind :)
Jam: you and Stace are eerily twinish these days. Chill on that.
La: thank you, I can always count on you to support my ignorance! And you're right, she woulda caught a size 11 in her tailbone (cause she has NO ass) for that comment.