So today is not starting off well. I had an 8 o'clock hair appointment in the city today. I stayed up until 3 a.m. this morning watching "Apocalypto" (great flick, by the way), and I was supposed to get up by 5 to catch the train (SO didn't happen!). I ended up having to drive in which took an hour, and then I paid $18 to park my car. So when I casually saunter up to the salon (which I had been calling since 7:45 with no answer), I ring the buzzer and.... no answer. I call again. No answer. I walk across the street to buy some tea and fruit. I walk back to ring the buzzer again. No answer again. I call Tina's (my stylist) cell. No answer. I leave a very puzzled message. Finally at 9:30 she calls me back and says that there must be some mixup because I'm not on the book for today. **1st trimester pregnant pause**
WHAT??????? How could I not be on the book if I got not one, but TWO voicemails confirming my appointment? Okay, fine. So what can we do about YOUR RECEPTIONIST'S screw up? Apparently nothing because Tina has an emergency with her daughter and is actually cancelling all of today's appointments anyway. **second trimester pregnant pause**
WHAT??????? I have two dates this week and only one more day off. My hair hasn't SEEN the inside of the Tina Pearson Salon in four weeks. I had a specific (and very jazzy, I might add) hairstyle in mind that only Tina can accomplish. And she's not coming in? **sigh** But she offers to have her assistant do it for me since she's due in at any minute (did I fail to mention that all of this is taking place as I stand perched on the very busy, noisy, and CREMATORIUM-ishly hot corner of 65th Street and Lexington Avenue? Riiiiight.). **third trimester pregnant pause**
And so here we are. I am getting the same old tired straight Rihanna-esque bob hairstyle that I've been rocking (albeit very stylishly) for the last two months. What a waste of a perfectly good, well planned out, beautiful day.
you know you were on the book right? you KNOW you were on the book right? that's that love/hate relationship i'm talking about with stylists!! i can't STAND them.... untill my hair is done :-)
as you said, your hair is still stylish ;-)
son of a biscuit!!!!!!!!!!! this is why i cancelled my perm appt for tomorrow. i'm not ready to go thru all this stylist ish again. they make me WEARY!!!!!!!! the trimester pregnant pauses??? oh HUH larious. loved it.
See...this is reason # 5,000,780 why I don't got the beauty shop anymore. Before I go I always find myself in deep prayer before just asking the Lord to not let anything go wrong. Something always happens that makes me just want to act a slam fool. My favorite senario is "She(the stylist) just called and she is on her way". This is usually said after you have been waiting for 30 minutes post appointment time. They need to start teaching customer service in cosmotology school.
LMAO@ the pregnant pauses
Boy do I not miss those perms. My cousin owned her own shop and must have had a magic wand in her pocket, cause I got up with the most wonderful hairdo.
But for some reason, she always tried to arch my eyebrows. I had to fight to get out of the chair. Foolishness I tell ya!
I'm truly lucky. In the 11 yrs I've been going to my stylist, I've never had to wait on him. EVER. Which is why I love him.
But how come Im most mad about the traffic and parking? lol
OF COURSE I was on the book. I saw it with mine own eyes. **sigh** And to think that I'm repeating the process next week. And to you, La: BAH! You would hve the only punctual hairstylist in the fucking country. And he's a man... I'm hating. My stylist in Virginia USED to be a man. Does that count?
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