Wednesday, July 25, 2007

2:34 a.m.

Boredom. Breeds random thought. I'm really starting to think that I'm schizophrenic. Fifteen minutes ago, I was crying and blowing my nose into some cheap ass store supplied tissue. Now I'm just fighting sleep. So here are the words of a sleep-deprived pharmacist.

* If the sign says "please come inside," why, then, do you insist on sitting in your car in the drive thru and pushing the button? I'm not coming! Bring your lazy ass INSIDE!!
* How do I stop being such a distrustful and suspicious person? How do I stop my mind from wandering to that place just because he's not answering his phone?
* I can't wait to get married and have a baby. I always laughed at the dumbass idea of some biological clock ticking away, but I repent. I hear it. Daily. And La, if that means that I'm swapping cookie recipes and camping out for the 2013 version of Harry Potter, then so be it :)
* I want a new car. Actually, I'd prefer a truck. Just something to outwardly reflect the way I feel when I'm driviing. Thirty. Beautiful. Successful. Fly.
* I love him. And I'm really starting to have faith that he loves me too. I think we're going to make it.
* I can't wait until September when school starts. Little Miss "I'm 13 now" is about to get WRECKED. I mean I'm going into that school like a one woman wrecking crew. Eighth grade is gonna feel like educational boot camp before I'm done!
* I really hope Bishop understands how important my birthday is this year. I don't care what the gift is, I just want him to make a fuss.
* Women are bitches. More on that later if my thumbs don't get too tired.
* No, I haven't forgotten about updating the great adoption saga. There just hasn't been any more news.
* If you were so irresponsible as to wait until the night before you leave the country to refill your asthma medication that has run out of refills and needs a doctor's approval, then yes, you do deserve to die over there. I'l send flowers on behalf of CVS.
* Butchy lesbians simply are not sexy. Ever.


Jameil said...

How do I stop being such a distrustful and suspicious person? its a daily struggle.

lmao @ flowers on behalf of cvs. too funny.

La said...

Amen to what Jam said. It's like reteaching yourself to walk everyday.
Hahahahahahaha@ butch lesbians and wrecking the 13 yr old. I was a MESS at 13 so I can only imagine.

Adei von K said...

yoooooooooooo!!!! why is it ALWAYS the asthma patients that don't know when their rx is finished?!?!??! i HATED that ish!! and that, "i'm leaving in the morning" bit? we figure there are emergency rooms wherever they are going, holla!

why you bout to be a 13 y.o girl's nightmare?? lol

GreatWhyte said...

Jameil and La: struggle int even the word! But I'm working on it.
Stace: RIGHT!!!! The worst are the parents of chilren with asthma. "You don't care if my child drops dead of an asthma attack!" um, not really. YOU'RE the parent, not me, dummy!