My goodness... I sooooo need to get back into reading. I was doing so well- sometimes even two books a week. But alas, forgive me bloggers for I have sinned. It has been almost a month since my last Book of the Week posrt. I finally fnished Barbara Walters' "Audition." I only picked t up because all the hoopla surrounding its release piqued my interest. To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised. It did drag a bit in places where she would go into excruciating detail about interviewing some international political leader or something equally as boring. But she made up for it in the dish... old bitches can DISH!!!! She was even a bit snarky here and there, but whatever... she's like 5,000 years old , so what do you want? I finally cracked the spine on "Dreams from My Father" by Barack Obama after all these months... that will be the reading material for the subway ride and the hair salon tomorrow. **sigh** Oh how I love to read.
I also spent some time making jewelry last week. I had this grand idea to make something to wear with the dress I'd picked out to wear to the theater. HOWEVER... the weather refused to cooperate, so the look in my head got lost in translation. But here's the product anyway...
Oh yeah, don't worry Mini, I haven't forgotten about you. While you were off on your extended weekend, I kinda forgot to go to the post office to mail your bracelet. But never fear... it is on the way :)
I love your jewelery! Do you sell it?
*waiting impatiently by my mailbox*
I haven't yet... But I'm always open to new opportunities :)
I'm here by way of DreamCop08 again. I keep forgetting to add you. But I will! Hey is the Barbara Walters book worth purchasing? I was curious about that one myself. Please confirm ( so use to saying that at work)LOL
If you're okay with reading about events and people that took place long before your time, it's a good read. I still think it's a library checkout read, though... I wouldn't waste a perfectly good B&N gift card on it :). Confirmed.
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