And here, my friends, is where I temporarily lost my mind. You know those Skycoaster things that are kinda like a cross between skydiving and bungee jumping? Well, every time I go to the amusement park, I say I'm gonna do it, and I always chicken out. But yesterday I figured that if I can jump out of a plane from 16,000 feet over the Las Vegas desert, then I can surely do this. So we jumped. JESUS. Keep me near the cross!
Aw I haven't been to great adventures since I was 7! The animals were my fave part. And yes you are very crazy for the bungie thing. No thanks!I'll live vicariously through you.
Also, your hair is super cute!
you guys don't look terrified enough to have just done that thing.
I'm just sayin.
bishop looks the same in every.single.picture! he could be wearing a white linen suit on a cruise ship or a wild adventures harness!!
your hair still looked good in the after shot! you guys are too cool for school.
lovin' the hair girlie!!!
atace is right. but men are like that. they dont have flair like we do.
Joy- Omigosh... I had never been before! Great Adventure was soooo cool. Except for the minor little detail where we only got to ride two roller coasters because the wait for all the others was at least two hours. Boooooooo!
La- Kndly refran from the hate on my comment section, por favor. Gracias. Si te puede!!
Stace- He does. I try to get him to smile, but he just doesn't feel it. **sigh**
Mikayla- Thank you! It bids you adieu tomorrow morning at 11:00!
Joy- **slamming my fists down in exasperation** He just won't let me style him! Wahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Awww, you two look so super cute together!
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