**sigh** I can't stall anymore. It's after 2:00 in the morning. I have to write it. I told her I would. No... I asked her if I could. Now I'm stalling. But how do I even start something like this? It's not that I don't know what to say. It's that once I start, I'll never want to stop talking because when I do she'll really be gone. **sigh**
Wow... It's today. It looks beautiful outisde- not a cloud in the sky. Something about that seems all wrong somehow. It should be dark and cloudy with buckets of rain to acknowledge all the tears that will fall today. It should be windy and cold- I shouldn't be warm in my bed from the morning sun. I don't feel warm and sunny. I feel dead. But I'm not- she is. I have to get up because class starts promptly at 9:00 and Mrs. Ramaley so doesn't play that late shit. I really can't bear to put on this black dress and these stockings and these dreadfully uncomfortable heels. People will stare at me and mumble incoherently because they don't know what to say. Wait. What am I saying? They're going to stare anyway just because I'm there. But what else am I supposed to do? My presence isn't required until 11:30, so why not go to class? **sigh** I look so normal. When I look in the mirror, I can't see that vast empty space in my chest. I can't see the fear and the anger and the pain. Wait- there it is. It's in my eyes- like anyone will think to look for it there. No time for that anyway; I've got a 25 minute drive and a hopeless search for a parking space. There will be time for pain- not now.
This was a mistake. I'm here on the front row- I see her lips moving, but none of it is making any sense. I just want to go home, curl up in my bed, and die. Not solve pharmacokinetic problems, not pretend that my classmates aren't staring holes in the back of my head. Just die. In peace. Finally it's 9:50 and I can leave. Time to take care of business.
I need to find an orchid... In September. Great, mom! Way to set me up for the impossible task! Two florists and 30 minutes have gone by- now what? I can't show up without the orchid. But I have no makeup on, I haven't changed my clothes, and I have 30 missed calls trying to figure out where I am. One more try... "Ma'am do you have any orchids?". "Yeah, I know... With the hurricane you've only had power for two days. You haven't received your shipment for today yet? But I promised my mom...". THANK GOD. One stem of silk orchids in the back and she's giving it to me- I couldn't show up without this flower. There's something so incongruous about this chapel- she got married here. Why is her funeral here? **deep breath** All you have to do is walk up the side aisle, place the flower on her dress, and leave. You can do this. You can. You have to. It's so dark in here- creepy, even. The sun is shining so brightly outside but the light doesn't seem to be penetrating the glass of the windows. Now THAT seems appropriate. She looks so... Not asleep. That is the biggest lie of all. She doesn't look asleep. She looks... **sigh** here, mommy, I found your orchid. I hope it's okay that it's not fresh. Shit... It's 11:20 and I haven't gotten to the church yet- they are sooo going to kill me. I have the programs in the trunk of my car and the buttons too. Well... Maybe they'll leave without me and I can skip the whole thing. No. She's counting on me and I owe her this. Never mind that I feel like I can't take another step. Never mind that if one more person says "I'm so sorry for your loss," I might really lose something.
Great, they're all here. And the limousines are waiting. "Hey- sorry. Yeah, I know I'm late. I need to change- be right back.". Bastards. How can they even see me? After all, I'm not really here. This is just a really terrible figment of my overactive imagination... Right? But if that's the case, then why are there 50 people dressed in Black staring at me as I run past? Okay Monique. If this is real and you're really here, then you'd better pull it together.
Jesus. There are so many people here and it's not even noon yet. "Hi- thank you.". "Hello- I know... Thank you for coming." "Hi... No, I'm fine.". Oh my God. I didn't realize I'd have to be this close to her. For the entire service. I don't want to see her like this. I don't... Here we go. I keep opening and closing my purse to make sure that my papers are still there, that I haven't forgotten them. What a beautiful song- seems like I should be crying because everyone else is. My grandmother doesn't look so great; my grandfather looks devastated. What must it be like to be this close to your child's lifeless body? You're not supposed to outlive your children. I hope he's okay. Ohhhhh Dr. Harvey, you almost got me! All the way through your tribute and just when I thought it was safe- you broke. Damn you- you're the strong one! You can't cry, you're not supposed to cry. Dr. C, Lowell, Rich... It's almost time. What is she saying? Why is she crying? You weren't that close. All you ever did was envy her. All you ever did was hate on us. She loved you and you were jealous of her. She taught me to love you and you tried to separate us. Get off the pulpit- you don't deserve to cry.
And here we are. I made it up here without falling. Look at all of these peoples' faces... Wait, no, don't look. Are my papers all here? Yes, good. Okay. **inhale**
"My mother had two great passions in her life, and the first was the institution of Hampton University. I can imagine that her days here as an undergraduate were filled with typical collegiate activities and concerns. But a seed was planted; and several years later upon her return as a new faculty member, that seed began to grow into a mighty tree. She loved her students- she would spend many late night in 304 Phenix Hall planning for her classes and seeking new ways to inspire and motivate. Hampton Institute matured into Hampton University, and still she worked. This institution was in her blood and every day she found a new and better way to build on the legacy of Hamptonians who came before her. She was an ardent supporter of Hampton's leadership. I oftten would hear her extolling the virtues of her Home by the Sea to an unfortunate graduate of another university, and she would say: "well yall don't have NOTHIN on the Pirates and you DEFINITELY don't have nothing on Dr. Harvey!".
My mother was never restricted by her duties within the walls of the classroom. From September to November, all things unrelated to her Pirates took a backseat because after all, it was football season! Her Monday classes could always look forward to a spiritied discussion on "her boys-" she knew her team and she didn't play anyone downing her players. And she loved, I mean SHE LOVED her Marching Force. "Monique I'll have to meet you at the game- I'm not missing that opening fanfare!". She has succeeded in turning my entire family into what we call "Force fanatics," and she loved every minute of it. Her tireless support of this great inatitution, her unparalleled devotion to its success, and her model of excellence will continue to reverberate througout this campus as she truly has let her life do the singing.
As much as she loved Hampton University, she nurtured another passion as well, and that passion was me. From December 1977 to September 2003, Sharon White-Williams was on a mission. She accepted this mission with a fierceness and a responsibility that few have ever experienced.
Ours was a special bond, a strong bond- a bond that was sometimes tested, but never ever broken. Now I tried her patience, let me tell you. And I know just like she knew that I worked her LAST nerve some days. But she was laying a foundation- an unshakable fortress for the future. She would sometimes say, "now I won't be here with you forever, so you have to learn to stand on your own.". I used to hate to hear that because I never wanted to think about life "on my own," but I see now that she was right. Nothing tangible lasts forever, and unfortunately our forever was shorter than most. But the plans that she made 26 years ago have finally come to fruition... Here I stand on my own. My mother was ill for some time and I would occasionally watch her and wonder, "how can she be so strong? How has she made it this far?". But in a moment of clarity, I realized that she had to be sure. She had to be sure that the chubby-legged baby whom she loved so much had indeed become the woman that she always envisioned. She had to be sure that her work would go on- that I would continue on the path that she lit for me. She Had to be sure that I wouldn't give up, that two years from now on Mothers Day 2006 that I would be the newest Dr. White in the family. On September 18, she was sure. I know she was at peace and I know that she had finally stopped worrying... It was well with her soul.
And so I am a product of greatness. I follow in the footsteps of a giant, and yet I am not overshadowed. I was loved, I was cherished, and I was groomed for the same greatness as the Whites who came before me. Mommy, you have finally arrived and you have heard the words that you so longed for: "well done, my good and faithful servant, well done.". I applaud you, I respect you, I adore you, I revere you, I emulate you, and I will always keep your memory alive. I hope that every day I will bring a smile to your face as you do to mine, and I just hope that you are proud. You were my mother, my friend, my cheerleader, my PR person, my mentor, my confidante, my idol- the single greatest love of my life.
wow...your mom sounds like she was a truly awesome person.
Clearly she has passed her strength on to you...I don't know that I could have delivered that speech, were I in your position.
Wow. *hug*
I don't know what to say. That was really beautiful.
:-( far too fragile. Can I get a little Mini warning at the top?
wow, wow, wow. that had me tearing up. you were so blessed to have someone as special as her in your life.
I know how hard it was to lose her. thank God you had someone like her to take care of you and raise you into the wonderful person you are today.
Oh, wow...
Hey luv...this is a beautiful post.
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