Friday, May 30, 2008





Blogger, look at her dress.

**gigantic sigh**


Okay, I survived. Sex and the City movie... LOOOOOOOVVVVED!! Me and Mini went to see it last night- well as much as two people in two different time zones can watch the same movie at the same time, lol! LOVED IT!!


Adei von K said...

me and my girls are going tonight! so excited!!

Southerner in Suomi said...

It's become painfully obvious that I will be the last one to see this movie.


She Draws said...

Hey Lady... everybody has been talking of the movie. I've heard nothing but great reviews. Chic-flick though. I like those...

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

I saw it! It was GREAT. I LOVE me some SEX and the City!!!!!!!! The fashion, the shoes, The story! YEA!!!