Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More Stolen Merchandise

1. Where is your cell phone? charging

2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? yes

3. Your hair? mess

4. Your mother? miss

6. Your favorite thing? dreaming

7. Your dream last night? forgot

8. Your favorite drink? margaritas

9. Your dream car? Range

10. The room you're in? messy

11. Your ex? Iraq

12. Your fear? failure

13. Your favorite number? 13

14. Where were you last night? home

15. What you're not doing right now? sleeping

16. Muffins? blueberry

17. One of your wish list items? success

18. Grew up at? Virginia

19. The last thing you did? IM'd

20. What are you wearing? sweats

21. Your TV? DVR

22. Your pet or pets? Stone

23. Your computer/laptop? on

24. Your life? unfulfilling

25.Your mood? blah

26. Missing someone? yes

27. Neighbors? Soror

28. Your best friend? Delta

29. Your work? HATE

30. Like someone? Yes

31. Your favorite color? Yellow

32. When is the last time you laughed? 11:00


Adei von K said...

i love that your fave number is 13. jesus and his disciples make 13!! its not the unlucky number that everyone makes it out to be

GreatWhyte said...

Yeah... lucky 13 :) Hey thanks again for the donation!!!!!