"Allow me to reintroduce myself: my name is O..."
-The Joy (in reference to President Obama entering a room to Jay Z instead of "Hail to the Chief")
I heart the image of that SO much **embrace embrace**
So anyway... I finished that second book by Maria de los Santos this morning. It was gooooood (not "gooooood" in a "FANTASMIC" sort of way, but "gooooood" in a "I'm searching for another synonym" kind of way). I guess as far as fiction goes, it will do- maybe beach reading or as a travel occupier. It's a layerd story about several women and their husbands, a woman with cancer, a supersmart boy with an unknown father... Good writing, good stories, just good. For the next one, I'm headed back to my old standby Jodi Picoult with "Second Glance."
Hmmm... I was driving to work this morning and saw a van with the logo of a company on its sad. The picture was of a dog squatting in a yard, and the caption underneath sayid "We take care of your business.". The name of this company? Dog Doody. Get it? Doody, duty... I chuckled. Then further down the same street I saw these really big ass birds on the side of the road, so I was like "what the fuck are those? Wild turkeys?". No sir... As I got closer I realized that they were standing in a nearly empty deer carcass... Vultures. Now THAT did not, in fact, make me chuckle. THAT made me want to vomit. **sigh** Nature.
I so desperately would like to go home.
How funny, I saw a pack of vultures tearing up a garbage can the other day on my way home. It was kinda of scary. I always thought they lived in the desert or something. How crazy. Great blog!
Just stopping by my friend (Dream Cop)told me about your blog. It's nice keep up the good work!
girl Obama is the shyt, just don't like watching the debate! I hate seeing people getting on tv degrading each other! Somebody just win already please, well be in better shape than what Bush has left us! Never read the book ur talking about but I do need to get some more book, I love to read! U sure u ain't a Leo? Lol Anyway until next time!
damn in Jersey? Are you in the woods in Jersey or something? I'm confused where did Vultures come from? Oh Damn!!!! We have to move all the women and children first!!!
Yeah I'm with Cherry...I never saw a vulture in the mean streets.
Black Beauty- hey! Okay, that's some scary Dean Koontz,Stephen King shit right there! No ma'am.
Go Bytch- welcome!
Cop- yeah, I know what you mean about the debate. He kinda slipped in the last one. Nah, definitely a Virgo!
Cherry- Sort of... I was going up Watchung Mountain in Warren. Not the women and children, though?
Jarrod- sweetheart, that's because in Roselle, YOU were the vulture!
damn X, why you got to hate on Roselle and my cousin at the same time....LOLOLOL!!!! HAHAHA!!!!
Girrrrrl... Hate schmate. Jarrod and I love each other like a fat kid loves cake (wonder which one's which?!). Now on the other hand, Roselle... No ma'am!
ps. did you see Obama's ad for WWE wrestling? So funny!!!
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