Friday, November 23, 2007

I'm Sleepy

Loo loo loo loosahhhhhh day... **hmm mm um hmm** I am having a loser day! Here I sit at my wonderful place of employment where I have been sitting since 8:00 this morning and where I will continue to sit until 10:00 tonight. Funfantastic. And what I really love (no, REALLY) is that every time I work, there's someone new working. And by "new," I mean their very first day on the job. Being new is all good... we all had a first day. But on your first day, do you say that you're not answering the phones. Err?? But the phone is ringing, though. A lot. And you won't answer it? I'm so puzzled as to why not. **sigh** Never mind, I've got it. Why not?

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and we're pleased about that. Every day I'm thankful for something, so yesterday was just another day for me. But for some reason, I had this crazy desire to have some "traditional" holiday food. Went to this restaurant called Deltas and had some turkey, dressing, rice and gravy ("rice and graveeee babeeeee?" For all you HU heads), cabbage, and fried okra. No dessert. Ice water and a few alcoholic beverages of the brightly colored variety. Yum. By 1:00 a.m. I was laying on the floor of the bathroom, hugging my silk-covered pillow to my chest, as I envisioned in vain a life without vomit and copious sweating. **sigh again** That's what I get for jumping on that peer pressure bandwagon and not going for my normal Chinese takeout. CURSES!!!!

So... what else? Nothing, really. Going to a high school reunion tomorrow, so I have an early morning hair appointment. In order to fulfill my mental picture of being the flyest bitch in the place (which really isn't hard considering it's the class of '87 in a small city in NJ), I'm on a mission. Fresh hairstyle (some sort of curl pattern for my new pseudo-bob), a repair on this horribly deformed thumbnail, a quick polish change for the toes, and a nice leisurely makeup application compliments of MAC Cosmetics and the gift card they sent me for being such a loyal customer (shut up, those of you who have seen my makeup train case). Ahhhhhh... I love when I have appearances! And yes, I am aware that I'm not a celebrity and therefore don't really have "appearances," per se, but whatever... my dress is bad, so that's half the battle. Photos if you're good :)


Adei von K said...

class of '87? *snicker*

for real though, i bet you will be the baddest.
please post pics!!!!!

GreatWhyte said...

Snicker not, little one! Bishop has aged QUITE well, I think. I just shudder at the thought of people pulling out children's pictures and talking about stuff that I couldn't care less about. Plus I don't know anybody and he knows EVERYBODY, so... I'm praying VEHEMENTLY for an open bar. Or a purse big enough for my flask.

Southerner in Suomi said...

I want a pic of the new hairstyle.

And this DOES count as an appearance. You're gonna wow them all.
And all those people bragging about their kids are doing it cause they don't wanna mention all the bad shit they do.

I'm serious.

the joy said...

That girl said "appearances." must be the beauty queen in you. Loves it.

I had to do some math and realize this is not YOUR reunion. Piscataway? Horrible name for a town.

Jameil said...

I'm stellar. PICTURES!! i don't like lazy new people. i get really stank and then refuse to speak to them for weeks or months afterwards unless its to critique poor behavior.

g'mo'nin shweetie whatchu gon haaaaaaaave tadaaaaaaaaaaaay?? LOVE. HER!!!

GreatWhyte said...

V- thanks for the vote of confidence!
Jam- yes, you are. New people just require SO much effort. Especially when all of them already know each other, so actually YOU'RE the newbie. Empty conversations about... who knows what. I'ma just lay back in the cut and do what I do best: CLOWN.

Jarrod said...

Class of 87? I was four...DAMN GINA!! Flask? And you call me an alcoholic...

Rashan Jamal said...

I'm good, so photos please. LOL

A flask, some well timed talking about people and the reunion should turn out just fine.

Chris said...

I'm tryin to make up with you baby....but I ain't got Kobe money!

Hopefully you know what I'm talking about, lol

And yeah, I actually dealt with a woman who graduated high school the year I was born, so I vouch for dating experienced folks, lol

So...Wise...Sista said...

But why did you have me at "laying on the floor of the bathroom, hugging my silk-covered pillow to my chest, as I envisioned in vain a life without vomit and copious sweating."

Poor X! (sounds fantastic!) :)

GreatWhyte said...

J- you mother.... never mind. It's not my fault that PS3 is the Commodore 64 of your era. Damn you.
Rashan- no flask, but plenty of drinks. The recap is up for your reading pleasure!
Chris- I feel like I should, and I am slightly embarrassed that I don't, but I didn't catch the reference :( Wow, the year you were BORN? She was sooooo a cougar!
Wise- whatever man... that thing was traumatic.