That sound you hear is the sound of me hop-hobble-crawling over to the couch in order to post these pictures. This past weekend was the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer... YAYYYYY!!!!!! Thank you to all of you who contributed to such a worthy cause (and if you haven't, the website will be available for donations for 28 more days!!). After two days of walking across every available corner of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Randalls Island, I am finally home. And to be honest, I am in paaaaaaaaain :( But it was a WONDERFUL experience. Five thousand women and men walking in tandem to help eradicate a disease that affects an alarming number of people every year. Of 39 miles, I was able to finish 29 with no training shut up- I've been busy!), so I am very very proud :) Okay, okay... enuogh of all that. Here are some pics of the road.
Mile 4- still fresh and bouncy :)
Kelly and me on day 1 at mile 9
Here I am on day 1 at mile lucky number 13 :) I was still smiling, as you can see, so all was well.
We made it to the half way point on day 1... that smile is starting to slip a bit, LOL
We made it to the Brooklyn Bridge... YAY!!!
Yeah... when we woke up Sunday morning it was POURING down rain and neither of us had ponchos. So the crew was handing out these thermal "blankets" which amounted to a square of tin foil which was supposed to... I guess keep us warm and dry?? Anyway- this is what it turned out to be.
I should probably know what this little piece of art is called, but I don't... it was outside The Plaza in front of Central Park.
THE FINISH LINE!!!!!!!!!!! We made it at last :)
We are proud of you, said we are proud of you! *clap clap*
kells over there looking like her daddy!!
don't be mad at me for laughing, but that half way point with your dropped smile has me trippin out!!
and the foil got some giggles
looks like you two had a blast!! i am sooooo proud of you, Mo! good job :-)
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