The first thing I did when I got home was rip open the box containing THOSE little beauties (look down there.... down there!) and then try to figure out where I could wear them :) It turned out to be PetSmart and Applebees, but whatever... I was getting the message out!
Now I am sitting in my
That broad gave birth to FIVE children! One of whom, I firmly believe is the illegitimate child of her 17-year-old daughter that she passed off as her own to protect their 1934 values.
**jumping up and down in protest**
I know he's all "let's respect their privacy as a family" and "we will love and support the Palin family as they carry on the business of a normal American family," but I am pretty sure that when Old Man McCain got hold of this piece of information, he probably wanted to ram the coat hanger up there himself (that was for you, Gorilla Paws... you're the only one who will not find that INEXCUSABLY offensive). Ah well.... now if they could just hook Sarah Plain and Tall up with a suitable stylist and get rid of that Flashdance hair and Little House on the Prairie wardrobe, maybe we could all start to take her just a wee bit more seriously. I'm sayin... governor of Alaska? For less than two years? What sorts of experience did that put under her belt... how to skin a seal in less than sixty seconds with only an icicle and a dream? How to find oil by using the noses of your husband's racing dogs and a compass? Or maybe how to get all that hair to stand up on its own using only the leftover seal blubber and whale bones from last week's kill?
**ducking from all the Republican flag wavers**
The red candidates blow. Hard.
That is all.
Girl the whole situation is a trip. There's so many things wrong with the choosing of this woman. I dare not go into it here but I totally agree with you.
You have a friend named gorilla paws? :?
Yessss, yes I do. The best kind of friend :)
So I wasn't the only one thinking Flashdance meets Elaine from Seinfeld??
Hell muthafuggin yeah! Palin is THE.WORST.
I can't wait til Tina Fey does her on SNL...she has to. They look like sisters.
This whole Bristol thing...a mess!
Serendipity- I didn't even think of Elaine, that's priceless!
Monie- LMFAO at the idea of Tin Fey as Sarah Palin! BWAAAHAHAHAHA! That's genius.
wow. you rode off her palin's ASS!!!
I have to go back and re-read and not laugh so much
i sooooooooooooo hope the baby's fuather (said like a hoodrat from bawtimore) is a black muslim!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!! See how pro-life you are now!!
17 years old. and palin was sooooooooo the one who refused to sign the sex education bill!!! i know mccain almost died.
repubs are the worst. repugnant sounds about right. and so hypocritical.
lol i loved your post. your a trip. lets just face it. obama has this in the bag!
Loving the Obama flip flops, I need a pair now!
So inquiring minds want to know if that was a blunt (comma), MAC lipstick, etc.
or if by blunt MAC you meant matte MAC....'cause the first one could put a whole new spin on the weekend!
Adei- a Black Muslim? BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! The Palins are so... I don't know. A mess.
Britt- Oh no ma'am... I definitely don't think he has it in the bag. But Sarah Plain and Tall certainly is no Joe Biden.
Mom- Neither. I meant a blunt MAC lipstick as in I wore it down leaving a message on the mirror :)
LMAO@ "how to skin a seal in less than sixty seconds with only an icicle and a dream"
I say Palin brought this on herself because in her acceptance speech, she made little to no mention of her lack of foreign policy experience and harped on her wonderful family and all their values. Skank values, that is.
It's all fair game.
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