Sunday, June 29, 2008

It really is FAR too early on a Sunday morning to have to pull out the *blank stare* however, it is 8:27 a.m. And I have already had to. So I'm driving to work looking for some gospel to listen to while. I sojourn to slavery, and the Jesse Jackson show catches my attention. A woman called from West Virginia- she sounded to be maybe 60-65 years old. Her comment was "so when Mr. Obama becomes our President, will that cause oppression of non-Black people?"

**blank stare**

As if this man is sitting on his campaign plane saying to himself, "damn! I sure can't wait to Pennsylvania so I can show those crackas who's runnin shit NOW!!"



Southerner in Suomi said...

Wow, bitter much. Somebody wants revenge in W. Va.

Adei von K said...


*5 seconds later*


La said...

LMFAO! Aww hahahahahaha. Is THAT why white people are afraid to vote for Obama?

the joy said...

You know what? They say there's something wrong with the youth? Bah. Old people are crazy.