Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Another day off, another day of television... damn, I need a new hobby! While I was catching up on my DVR, I was watching this show that comes on MTV called America's Best Dance Crew. When I first saw the commercials for this, I thought it was gonna be wack because it's a Randy Jackson show. BUT..... I watched one episode and I was HOOKED. There is this one dance crew who does all of their routines on skates. They aren't as good technically as some of the other crews, but because they're on skates, it looks CRAZY hot. Check them out...

There's this Asian crew that is FIRE... who knew that Asian people had this much rhythm? They kill it every week, but here is their latest performance...

There's this all male crew called Status Quo who hasn't been doing very well, but somehow they manage to get saved every week. Last week this one guy injured his ankle and was told by ALL the doctors not to perform this week. But they were in the bottom two and had to battle another group to stay in the game. The trick for them was that they had to perform part of their routine upside down, and their song was Soulja Boy. Okay.... the guy with the bum ankle is the one who is jumping OVER the kid who is acting as the jumprope. FIRE.

The best crew on the show according to the judges every week is this group of guys called JabbaWockeez They really do kill it every week.

But the real reason for this post was another crew on the show. They are called Live in Color, and it's a group of young Black guys and girls who dance like FIRE. HOWEVER... every week the crews dance and the judges throw in a little twist to their routines. This week Live in Color had to dance to DJ Unc's "Two Step," and the trick to their routine was that they had to change clothes in the middle of the dance. Cool... they were all dressed in blue and yellow. Cool. But one of the guys had on a Sigma Gamma Rho tshirt. To his credit, the bottom of the Rho was cut off, so it looked like... I don't know. Errrrrrrrr???? Is that some new shit like the MIAKA's or that Delta fraternity **snicker** down in Texas? At first I figured, "okay, maybe he will be the one switching his shirt with one of the girls." Umm.... not so much. He rocked that bad boy the ENTIRE time. Priceless.


Adei von K said...

he must be a Rhomeo. Wait, I think those are their sweethearts. we had one at FAMU.

Delta Beaus? They make me LAUGH!!

MIAKAs are SERIOUS in Tallahassee!!! They stroll better than ANYONE, HANDS DOWN! OMG, they are too fierce.

The Asians I know wouldn't be able to do that. they can can barely clap and walk at the same time. or without walking now that I think about it...

Adei von K said...

oh yeah, skates make EVERYTHING look better. I went to a skating rink in the A and was spellbound by the Alphas who were strolling the whole night. I got my money's worth without touching the skating floor.

GreatWhyte said...

WHAT THE FUCK IS A "Rhomeo????" Sweethearts? For a Sorority? That is the MOST absurd thing I have EVER heard.
No, I didn't mean the Beaux. I meant this fraternity for gay men that has actually gotten incorporated at this school in Texas; Delta Something Something... I don't know.
I refuse to acknowledge the MIAKAs and if I were an AKA, I would be whippin somebody's ass if I saw them strollin anywhere.

Jameil said...

as you can imagine, i was not amused by that shirt. rhomeos have their own shirts and wouldn't wear those. i don't get the purpose of rhomeos either but they wouldn't do that.

i don't know what asians y'all know. at cmu they filled the talib concert and were breakin everywhere. Status Quo was hot!

cherry's kid said...

Ok...so I peeped the shirt too and had to rewind the dvr...because I was like wait...I've seen a Rhomeo before and that's not one...I went to school in Florida...they have everything there!!!! Anyway, Live in Color gets all their clothes from the thrift store they said on their first interview....so the next question is...which SGRho gave her crossing shirt to the thrift store???????

Br8 Sk8 is kind of whack ya'll...love all the asians...I want to be down...but I thought we proved the asians could dance with Gwen Stefani's first album!

Lastly can someone please vote for Fish & Chicks...I like them!!!!