Monday, February 11, 2008

A to Z by X

Award: In my room growing up, there was a trophy case built into the wall with glass doors and that special kind of light you put on art and stuff to make it look cooler.

Bikini: I'd love to, really, and I do... but it's usually not the best look for me given all this ass. I tend to stray toward the boy shorts and tankinis.

Character: Hmmm... Angela Bassett in "Waiting to Exhale" right around the time she struck that match and lit that cigarette.

Dreams: Not so many lately. But I had this recurring one when I was a child where my parents and I were in the car crossing the Hampton Roads Bridge. Something happened and we drove off the side of the bridge into the Chesapeake Bay and we all died. Great.

Eco-friendly: No. Sadly, I don't care that much.

Fashion faux pas: Late middle/high school when I was wearing those brown leather Bass shoes with the strings tightly coiled on either side and my jeans folded over to the side and cuffed SUPER tight. **sigh** Not interested in your input.

Goals: To be the woman that my children can look up to and my husband can love... forever.

Hidden talents: I speed read (honestly, it's not another "Lauren" thing)... my mom used to teach a speed reading class when I was growing up. The only thing is that a few days later, I can barely remember what I read.

Inspiration: Other people's success.

Jokes: I keep 'em but people don't always get them. I crack myself up, though I'm a bit of a cornball.

Keepsake: My mother's wedding rings, photographs, the handbill Bill Clinton signed for me when he was campaigning for President in 1992, stuffed animals, my mother's doctoral dissertation, blah blah blah... TOO MUCH stuff.

Liberal: For the most part.

Mom: Love of my life.

Nudity: SOOOOO uncomfortable with it in ANY setting.

Online surfing: All night long.

Perfection: I'm a Virgo, duh! It's a character flaw, I'm afraid.

Query: Err??

Reading: MY LIFE. J'adore books.

Song: Too many to list here. Depends on my mood.

Trip: Hampton this weekend. Cruise in April. South of France this summer.

Ultimate indulgence: Food.

Virgo: ROCK!!!!

Workout: Never. I simply cannot.

Xtra: This is wack.

Yuck!: Midgets.

Zen moments: Sleeping, reading when it's raining outside, playing with babies, buying that perfect pair of shoes.

1 comment:

Jameil said...

lmao @ "Workout: Never. I simply cannot." you are too funny. angela was sooo tough in that scene!! loved it. why are people using junk in the trunk NOT to wear a bikini? i think i wouldn't if i didn't have one. take me to hampton w/you!!!!!!! i wanted those coiled lace shoes so bad!