I snatched this from Joy's blog (hope she doesn't mind).....
1. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?
Hmm... the pageant house in "Crowned." It has a rose garden, for God's sake!
2. If you had a clone, what would you make it do so you could have free time?
Go to work. Sometimes I am just OVER working for a living. And the saddest part of all is that I haven't been doing it NEARLY long enough to feel that way! But I would send the clone to the pharmacy so that I could spend my days reading, watching soap operas, and blogging :)
3. Who was your best friend when you were 8? When you were 13?
I had the same best friend from 1 to 20... Dionne Long. Our parents were in that wonderful pyramid scheme Amway together, and we were ALWAYS together. Whenever my mom went out of town, she would let me spend the night at her house. Whenever we wanted to go somewhere, the only question was "is Dionne's mom/dad going?" **sgh** I miss those days! We lost touch when we went to college in different states, but we've remained friends through adulthood, and I was a bridesmaid in her wedding. Now she has a husband and a little boy, and I'm trying to catch up!
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be & why?
I would love love LOVE to go to South Africa. It's not so much about going "back to my roots;" I just want to see it. REALLY see it. My friend Kelly spent two months there studying, and she said that it changed her life. I just want to spend time in a place that is so drastically different then where I live. Plus I hear that it is devastatingly beautiful and one of the best trips you could ever take.
5. Would you hate losing your sight or hearing most?
Hmm... I think that losing my sight would be much more difficult than losing my hearing. I don't always have to hear what is going on, but I can't imagine what it would be like not to be able to see. Would I rather see the face of the man that I love or hear his voice? Would I rather see the smiles of my children or hear them crying? Would I rather see my food at a five star restaurant or hear the noise in the dining room? SEE SEE SEE.
Bonus (as in optional): Nature or nurture?
Now THIS is the best question of all. I think nurture, and can only look at myself and the woman that I have become. Of course I don't know anything about the people who contributed to my gene pool, so it is impossible to really know how they have shaped my personality. But I did know my mother, and I can unequivocally say that I AM MY MOTHER'S CHILD!! Not a day goes by that I don't catch myself saying something that she would say or giving someone a look that she would give. I just can't imagine that any biological connection between us would've contributed more to who I am than the time, energy, and thought that she spent with me.
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