Monday, December 10, 2007


Exotic Dancer Name Is...



Jarrod said...

No comment...seriously. Cause you know me like I know me. And we both know I'll go too far. So in order to preserve our comment.

Chris said...

LOL@Jarrod....well as long as Pacman Jones doesn't come up in the conversation, everything should be fine. The facebook stripper names are more hilarious than this one.

GreatWhyte said...

**sigh** I. Hate. You.

Jameil said...

i'm strawberry! finally! i get my name in a song!! "strawberries on top of me, candlelight a little hennessey." except i usually think candles are corny and hennessey... not a fan.

Adei von K said...

as in African Violet? *lol*

GreatWhyte said...

Stace- just when me and you were getting to be cool. **sigh** I dislike you too.

Jarrod said...

You don't hate me, you just hate to love me. LOL @ Stace...glad the cloud of ignorance is spreading.