Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Oscar Time, Baby!

I am starting something new. So, from now on, every day that I work, I will be presenting you with the Customer of the Day and the Question of the Day. So... for the inaugural presentation of these awards, I give you:

Marsha who has provided us with today's Question of the Day. There were two prescriptions ready for a patient. Attached to the bag was a note that I'd written in bright red Sharpie. The note said, "don't forget to charge patient for the over-the-counter meds inside the bag." Here's our friend Marsha: "what does 'don't forget to charge patient for over-the-counter meds inside the bag' mean?"

And for the Customer of the Day (who ALMOST won a dual prize for Customer and Question of the Day) is Mrs. I Am An Idiot. She actually called the pharmacy and said, "I was told that the pharmacist would know whether or not New Jersey has fluoride in the water."


Southerner in Suomi said...

But see, we need these stupid people around us to make us happy that we aren't this stupid.

As for your future step daughter. It's high school, everything is a big announcement. Tell Bishop to pay attention more.

GreatWhyte said...

Yeah, see... you missed it too. She NEVER told him. And the reason why she didn't tell him is because she knew she was DEAD WRONG. She's 13!!! And she's not in high school, the boy is!!

Unknown said...
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Jameil said...

NOT askin the pharmacist abt the water!! lmao!!! and marsha marsha marsha. that is just so sad.

Adei von K said...




i'm more mad at her than the customer. she (customer) was told that so it can't really be her fault...

GreatWhyte said...

Jam- I know, right?
Yes, Stacey. But if I told you to call the pharmacy because the pharmacist would know the score to the Cowboys-Patriots game, would you? HELL NO. Because you know that the pharmacist deals with PHARMACY stuff, not water treatment issues :)
P- fuck you. Seriously.