Thursday, August 23, 2007

30 Days to 30

First of all, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most petite (I think) member of my blog la lamilia.... JAMEIL!!!!! Bon aniversaire, m'amie (rusty, but I think that's right).

But more importantly (I jest!).... today begins the annual countdown to the big day. But this year is different... 30 days to big 3-0!!!! I realize that I'm WAY too excited for most of you to handle, but what can I say? I'm excited **jumping up and down**

Yesterday I finally got a response to my email from my district supervisor. We're supposed to talk this afternoon, so.... I'm holding strong, yall. Stay tuned.


Erica C. said...

Being 30 is the coolest. I'll be 34 on the 15th and I can't wait!

Hope everthing goes ok for you at work.

Chris said...

The big 30!!, well 30 is the new 20! So when the the hell is the big shindig going down? And loving the tat by the way..

Jameil said...

THANKS X!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! and congrats on the 30 to 30!! do it big w/the talk!

So...Wise...Sista said...

Yeah I love bday countdowns!!!

What r u doing for your bday?? What r u doing for your bday?? :)

La said...

YAY!!!! BIRTHDAYS!!!! I'm so sad mine only comes once a year :-(

soumynona said...

Wow, I would have never guessed thirty. I'm thinking 21, maybe 22 tops!

GreatWhyte said...

Eric - I sure hope so. It HAS to be better than my 20s. Happy early birthday. And thanks for the well wishes.
Chris - yeah, yeah. Grown woman shit. How are you down there in the dirty? Long time, no see.
Jam - any time, my dear. And thanks; I am WAY too excited about this birthday :)
Wise - I have no idea. Since I am now going from night shift to day shift, I lose mu every other week off. So I don't even know if they will approve me to have the day off. We'll see. Something with Bishop, of that I am sure :)
La - me too. Let me tell you a secret: when I found out that I might be able to find out who my birth parents are, my main concern was that maybe I was actually born on a different day and now I would be able to celebrate TWO birthdays. I know, I know... it's so sad.

Adei von K said...

ooooh, milestone b-days are the BEST! I mean, all of them are good but those 5's and 0's? and 30 is that new-new!

Southerner in Suomi said...

I'm with Soumynona, I never woulda thought you were pushing thirty. But my grandma always said, "black don't crack baby"