Thursday, June 14, 2007

Interview by Lala La La La La

Oh Lord, I'm mixing that Rihanna song into my life again! DAYUM La!!! Were you monitoring my phone call last night? I was just having a conversation with a very good friend, and some of these EXACT topics came up! But I love it.... no offense, Jam, but I was kinda hoping for some more personal questions from you! Here we go...

1. What was the exact moment you realized you were in love with your current boonopolis?
My "current boonopolis?" Girl, are you high? When was that exact moment? I would love to say something terribly cheesy and romantic like I knew from the moment that I saw him, but that would be some bullshit. It was really rather basic. He asked me if I loved him, and I realized right in that very moment that I did. It wasn't that I hadn't thought about it before, but it wasn't until I heard him ask the question that I knew the answer.

2. What made you wanna be a pharmacist?
I actually never wanted to be a pharmacist :) I always wanted to be a doctor and never really thought about anything else. I was a premed major when I was in undergrad and then went straight to medical school. I just wasn't ready to be there and I did terribly. So I took some time off to reevaluate my options. Several of the girls that I had become friends with down in Chapel Hill were in pharmacy school there, and that planted the seed. I still didn't really want to do it because all I knew about being a pharmacist was counting by fives. But I really didn't have any other options that would keep me close to my original plan, so my mother suggested I apply to Hampton, and the rest is.....

3. Since we've been talking about Greek affiliations, correct me if I'm wrong but you're a Delta right? What made you choose DST?
You are ABSOLUJTELY right, I a Delta. Like so many other people, every woman in my family with whom I have any kind of a relationship is a Delta. I spent my childhood sitting in the back of her chapter and committee meetings when there was no babysitter, and all of her chapter Sorors used to call me "Sahrah Monique." So it seemed natural to want to go that route, but believe it or not, I did actually read up on the other organizations. Then I waited until my senion year and took the plunge.

4. This may sound like a stupid question but hear me out: are there times that you wish your mother hadn't passed away? Or has the experience been necessary to shaping you into the woman you are?
I wish that every day. But I also realize every day that it was necessary for me to grow up. I was a baby - mommy's baby- for my entire life. A lot of it was her and how overprotective she was, but it was also me. I loved being around her all the time, I throved on the constant pressure and encouragement from her... I just wanted to please her. But it wasn't until she died that I began to realize FOR REAL that I had to start living for myself. Thinking about it more, I realize that I don't actualy wish that she hadn't passed away because then that would mean that she would still be here in pain. She lived her life. She accomplished so many things and was loved by so many people. But most of all, she loved me, and I took that and moved forward. Dammit girl.... I was doing so good with this, now I'm all teary and stuff!

5. What prompted you to start blogging?
I met a guy that I liked and he had a blog. One day he let me read it (I don't remember how we got on that topic), and I liked the idea. I already loved to write, so I saw it as an opportunity to air my thoughts out without actually seeing the people who were reading it. I got hooked, so thanks PYT :)

I'm loving this interview thing... anybody else????


shani-o said...

Aww, love it. Interview me!

Jameil said...

before i even read this i'm going to say WTF?!?!?! YES I AM OFFENDED!! CHALLENGING ME. HMPH!

Jameil said...

4 was a fantastic answer.

Jarrod said...

Interview me...please

La said...

Was boonopolis too much? Lol.

I didn't mean to make you cry! I take it back. It was a beautiful and honest answer though.

Interview me!

HAHAHA Jam your questions pale in comparison to mine. Who types smarter now? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! lol

GreatWhyte said...

Yes, Ms Shani. As you wish. My questions are:
1. When you close your eyes at night, what do you dream about?
2. You are trying to impress a new guy. What do you cook? What do you wear?
3. You're at church on Sunday morning. Its time for altar call and this REALLY fine man walks past you on his way to the altar. Do you make eye contact?
4. What do you want to name your children?
5. What are you most afraid of?

Jameil said...

ok x you know you are wrong for #3!!! hilarious. maybe not on the way down, but on the way back or on the way out of church. i know how you meet the boon(k i hate that word) and all but lmao!! since you challengin people, interview me madam!!!! hmph!!!