I'm stalling on leaving for the city this morning because what's waiting for me at 1 Penn Plaza is none too nice! So I decided to do this personality profile that It Was Written shared with me. Wow, it's amazing how accurate this was - as Rashan put it, almost like an FBI profile! SIGH. I guess right about now my picture is up on the plasma screen in George Dubya's Oval Office. DAMMIT.
At this particular time, you are feeling that you are or were unjustly and undeservedly treated and/or betrayed in your hopes and dreams. You feel that everything is against you. But look on the bright side for you are, whether you believe it or not, a survivor.
For some time now you have been feeling rather insecure. You are looking for - and needing - an environment that can offer you roots, stability and a position that will relieve you of excess tension and stress.
You have a high opinion of yourself. It is perhaps because of this self-centredness that you become exasperated when you feel that your needs are misinterpreted by those around you. When this happens - and it does quite often - you feel that there is no-one that can understand the way you feel and it is because of this egocentric self that you are quick to take offence.
At this moment in time you feel as if you have lost the strength of will to contend with existing problems and difficulties which appear to you as deliberate opposition. You are trying to stand your ground but the pressures are intolerable. You would like some co-operation from those around you but it's not forthcoming so you feel that, in its absence, there is nothing you can do to improve the current situation. You would like nothing better than to 'get away from it all'.
Be it through unfulfilled emotional requirements, whatever the circumstances you are experiencing considerable stress, be it mental or physical. To your credit you are attempting to escape from this by endeavouring to create a semblance of peace and serenity by refusing to allow yourself to be involved. You have the strength to 'pull through' and all indications are that you will... perhaps sooner than you even believed possible.
You would like some co-operation from those around you but it's not forthcoming... sign me up for some of that, too.
You would like nothing better than to 'get away from it all'. uh huh. who doesn't. sign me up for that plan as well.
Spooky, ain't it?
hi. look who's beta. glad to be back! i might have to take this survey myself so you wont be the only terrorist.
Hmmm...maybe I should try it out. Wait do I wanna know that much about myself?? LOL!
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