Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Selfish (As Usual)

Real quick... is it selfish to ask yall to switch to the new beta blogger? You won't have to make any changes to your existing blog - apparently it's just newer and stuff (can't yall tell I'm REALLY tehnologically advanced?). But it won't let me post comments on anyone's wall who doesn't have blogger beta also :( I neeeeeedddd to leave my comments!! Pretty please.....


Adei von K said...

okay, you're the 3rd person with it...might as well

Your hair cut. please don't feel uncomfortable but I...I .... I love it.

La said...


*she huffs, crosses her arms and marches into blogland*


GreatWhyte said...

YEAH!!! A taker on the blogger beta :) **evil laugh** I'm starting my plot to take over the world!!!
I'm.... glad that you love the cut! It's actually an older picture from when I first got it cut last December, but I love the color. I a just so indecisive - as soon as I make the decision to go short, I start missing my long hair again. But mys tylist is a genius, so I'm usually good either way.

Jameil said...

sigh. if we must.

GreatWhyte said...

Thanks guys!!!

Jameil said...

umm... you're gonna have to tell me how to do it... cuz i can't figure it out.

La said...

I can't do it! Blogger hates me :(