1. If you could be doing what you really want to be doing for a living, what would it be?
I would be a professional shopper. You know, those people who spend their days picking out beautiful clothes for sometimes not so beautiful people... and they get paid for it. It would involve my two of my favorite things: shopping and money.
2. If you could slap the crap out of any famous person, alive or dead, who would it be?
Hmm.... I would think that this would be easier than it is. But if I had to choose one person, it would be (and I apologize for copying those who came before me) yall's President, George W. Bush. Yes, I know I could be writing to you from the inside of a torture basement by tomorrow for writing that, but hey - it's how I feel.
3. What's the dumbest decision you've made in the past 5 years?
Giving the right guy the wrong finger.... thankfully I got the message (MESSAGE!) one day and cut him loose before I did too much damage. I will always regret saying yes to marriage, but I will always be thankful that I woke up before we reached the altar.
4. Give up for one year: (good) sex or (good) music.
Good sex, hands down. But does that mean that you won't have ANY sex or you just won'thave any GOOD sex??? Hmm.... well, either way, I would give up the magic stick before I would give up my ipod. If you read my last post, you know how much I love just the right song.
5. Dudes, would you rather have a big dick or a good sense of humor? Ladies, nice tits & ass or common sense?
This one is a no brainer: COMMON SENSE. Too many people are walking around with oo little of that, and it drives me CRAZY!! I really don't have too much in the way of "T," so I can't say I'd miss it. But I'd sacrifice all this "A" in a minute if the aternative was no common sense!
6. So you've been invited to an all expense paid Blogger Prom in the Bahamas. You're sitting at a bar on the beach. WHich blogger do you want to join you for hours of good convo?
First of all, I want to know why blogspot is so cheap... the Bahamas? Oh well, free vacation. But I would have to say that my first choice would be Jarrod. He keeps me laughing all the time, and since I wouldn't really know anyone else, he would dance with me :)
7. Which blogger would you most like to cuddle with on the beach? (And don't defer to your current signinifcant other, either. Infidelity won't count against you. Duh).
Umm, this is isn't really hard either. Again, being relatively new to blogger land means that I only know one cuddle-worthy blogger, the man with the random thoughts. I like to cuddle with him.
8. You're going on a 5 hour road trip... which CDs do you bring?
Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
R Kelly - TP2
Mariah Carey - The Emancipation of Mimi
Two mix CDs from my collection... maybe one gospel and one hip hop.
9. Would you rather bury your children young or have your children bury you young?
That's a very difficult decisiont to make. I guess I would rather bury my children young. Even though it would be incredibly sad, I would know that God brought them back to be close to Him before they had a chance to experience too much of the sadness and pain that life too often serves up. Even though I wasn't all that young, burying my mother was unbearable. I would never want that for my children. Never.
10. What's your biggest insecurity?
Interacting with men.
11. What's the first blog you read every day... or however often you read them?
PYT. But he's been slipping on the regular updates lately, so then I check Jameil and Russatta because they always have something new and interesting to say.
12. When's the last time you peed your pants?
I honestly don't remember ever doing that. I am pretty sure that it happened at some point, maybe I've repressed the experience, but I just don't remember.
13. Which was better, your first kiss or your first paycheck?
PAYCHECK!!!!!!! I was working at the Pentagon, and say what you will about our President, but them government jobs pay LOVELY!!! The first kiss was in seventh grade with some boy that I thought was unbelievably cute, but now can't even remember his name!
14. Do you have kids? Want kids?
No, I do not have any children yet, but I would love to have some. I used to say that I only wanted one, so anyone who knows me from way back when would be shocked to hear that. But ideally I would like to have two children, and I pray that I will be a third of the mother to them that mine was to me.
15. You get dropped off at home after the office holiday party by your bitch azz boss that you can't effing stand...you exit the car and he peels out, runs a red light at your corner and rolls up an unsuspecting midget. The next day the midget watch groups are on TV outraged at the heartless hit and run, and are calling for any witnesses to please come forward...that half dead midget has a family at home waiting on C-mas presents. Would you take $1000 hush money? $500? $100? A six pack?
Okay, now yall KNOW how I feel about midgets!! I wouldn't even need the hush money -I'd keep quiet for free.
16. Live the rest of your life without your eyebrows or your fingernails?
Oh hell to the naw!!! No eyebrows? No ma'am!! I have such a problem with getting my eyebrows right, that I would have to say that I could do without those fingernails.
17. What makes you angry?
Liars, cheaters, thieves, injustice, abuse of power.
18. What makes you horny?
A soft touch at the base of my neck, TP2, a confident man, thunderstorms, wine, when a man holds my face while he's kissing me.
19. What makes you nervous?
Dramatic change, going on a date with a new man, staring, compliments, first impressions.
20. What makes you smile?
Giggling children, a song from "back in the day," success, a good book on a terrible day, SHOES, my boo (yeah, you), mommy's macaroni and cheese, good food at a good restaurant, flowers, a handwritten note on a scrap of paper, a long kiss.
Whew!! I am tired... but not so tired that I can't come up with 20 questions of my own. So here are some from me to you.... feel free and let me know when you're done...
1. Which was better, your last kiss or your last paycheck?
2. What motivates you?
3. What drains your spirit?
4. What sounds do you love?
5. What sounds do you hate?
6. Which could you do without for one month: your best friend or the love of your life?
7. If you care at all, who are you more mad at: Brad or Angelina?
8. What is the smartest decision you've made in the last five years?
9. What's your primary love language? If you haven't read the book, READ IT, but here are your choices: physical affection, kind words, gifts, quality time, or acts of service.
10. What do you dream about?
11. What makes you shiver?
12. Would you rather be rich and unknown or poor and famous?
13. This one is for the fellas: which do you prefer? A woman who is beautiful and insecure or average and confident?
14. This one is for the ladies: which do you prefer? A man who is packing and misinformed or lacking and creative?
15. Love or success?
16. Peace or passion?
17. Live the rest of your life alone or poor?
Okay, no more... now I'm really tired. Please play :)
1 comment:
keep quiet for free! that's classic! and hilarious!! hahahahaha. omg i would be a professional shopper too! fabulous jobs. why was he the wrong guy? that sounds like a good story. this dude pointed it out, but i think its true... all the women say thunderstorms make them horny. strange... but true.
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