Monday, February 13, 2006

Who Actually Lives in the Boondocks?

Okay... now I know I can be a little late on the pickup sometimes. For example (no comments from the peanut gallery, please), I still haven't seen The Five Heartbeats. I know, I know... you are expecting me to submit my Black card IMMEDIATELY, do not pass go, do not collect SHIT!! But this time, I have to hang my head in shame, because I honestly feel like I've been missing something. THE BOONDOCKS. Yo... that little cartoon is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen! I saw last night's episode, "Let's Nab Oprah," and I really thought that I was going to pee on myself. Here are a couple of golden quotes from that funny ass cartoon:
  • I sent the bitch a smiley face! Bitches LOVE smiley faces!
  • I be texting my ass off! Bitches love texts!
  • Anything you do with your thumbs CAN'T be positive!
  • Two ways are just some nigga ass shit! They don't do nothin' but let dumb ass niggas talk to another dumb aass nigga about some ignorant ass nigga shit!
  • BODYSNATCHER NO. 2: That ain't Oprah!
  • Yall niggas is gay!

For almost a full minute, I laughed until my eyes filled up with tears, but then I had to stop for a second. Was that Samuel L. Jackson lending his voice to a thug ass white man with cornrows? And was that Charlie Murphy lending his voice to another thug ass white man with a penchant for typing with his thumbs? And best of all, was that REGINA KING lending her voice to a thug ass little BOY who was the mastermind of the whole dumbass scheme to kindnap Oprah Winfrey? After I got over the feeling that that one 30-minute cartoon set our people (or half of our people, as PYT would remind me) back 500 years, I couldn't help but smile. Anything involving mistaking Maya Angelou for Oprah Winfrey and a white guy robbing every establishment in town owned by his grandfather has to make you laugh. So, kudos to the developers of The Boondocks, cause that thing was HILARIOUS!!!!!!


Rell said...

Yea it's a great cartoon, that originated as a comic strip.

Aaron McGruder is the creator and puts out the daily comic strip, you can check it everyday.

It's some of the best satire there is anywhere, moreso showing some of the flaws and issues plauging the black community.

Although I gotta be honest, I thought last night's episode the worst of the 11 episodes, thus far.

But good stuff...

Jameil said...

i guess i need my black card doubly revoked. i've still never seen either of those (partially because i'm NEVER awake after 430 p.m., if that late.

Setta B. said...

I saw only a partial episode where the the grandfather was trying to turn a ho into a housewife. Funny! I haven't seen it since though. I should check it out in the next week.