No one really reads this, so I guess I don't have to apologize for being away for so long, but hey... sorry, anyway!!!
Topic of the day is jealousy. What is so special about another person that they can inspire a feeling as intense and destructive as jealousy? Jealousy has brought down empires; jealousy has destroyed communites; hell, jealousy has even brought about the total annhilation of health and happiness. So knowing all of this, why would any self-respecting women succumb to the warmth and comfort of a good old-fashioned jealous fit? I used to think that it was immaturity, and that the little green-eyed monster of jealousy would cease to exist as soon as I got the proverbial "old enough." But, alas! How incredibly wrong I turned out to be. After all the 007 days and "Mission Impossible" nights, I honestly thought that I was past any need to participate in the self destruction of jealousy. But just when you think nothing can send you back to that place, BAM!!! It all comes back with a vengeance. As women, any little thing can inspire jealousy. She's prettier than me, he knew her before he met me, she's more successful than me, she knows him better than I do, they spend more time together, blah, blah, blah, BLAH!!! I am as much a victim as any woman out there - just this evening I found myself in the grip of a baby fit of jealousy, but then I rethought my position. Why be jealous? There must be something special about me, or we wouldn't even be here. So just a little note to all of you women out there who might find themselves in the same position: do you. Don't let the past get your blood pressure up. Homegirls are homegirls, and lady friends are lady friends. Know your role, and remember: green eyes really aren't all that sexy.
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