Monday, November 21, 2005


What is it about your girlfriends? As women, we look for girlfriends to share our life with - women who can identify with our situations and share our pain. Women who will stay up all night with you when your man is caught cheating and women who will curse your ass out when they find out that you are cheating on a good man. But there is always a line that you just don't want to cross... why is it that women will only share so much with their girlfriends? For every insignificant piece of information that my girlfriends know about me, there are fifty others that they don't. So why is it that women don't share details about their man with their girlfriends? Do we simply not trust the very people that we claim to trust the most? Ladies out there: can you ever be completely honest with your girlfriends about the innermost secrets of your relationship with your man? Or do you keep the juiciest parts to yourself? Just curious...

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