Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Only Wednesday

"Dear Monique... Blah blah blah. Baby shower... Blah blah blah... I know you don't know us, but we'd really love it if you could make it... Blah blah blah."


Okay, so let me make sure that I understand. Maureen's sister's daughter is having a baby and hence a baby shower. In Ohio. And she wants me to come. Me- a person she has never laid eyes on in her natural born life, and didn't even know existed until probably six months ago. Interesting. But I think I'll pass.

And not for the reasons that yall cynical (and quite correct) readers of my blog would assume. Not because they're white, and not even because it's all the way in Ohio. Mainly because... Well, because... I don't know why. Probably for the same reason I'm passing on John's family reunion this weekend too... Because I (and don't laugh!) can't stand to be the center of attention. And at an event where it should be all about the baby and the mother, I don't want everyone wondering who the token Black girl is that nobody has ever even met. But the thing is, I feel badly. Maureen offered to pay for the ticket and everything, and for once I'm not just being my typical anti self. I just don't want to be on display, you understand? Now what to tell her...

In other news... I hate my friend's choice of a relationship partner and think the whole thing is so... Faux. But oh well- bygones.

Me and my box of Kleenex watched the tribute to Randy Pausch last night (of "The Last Lecture" acclaim)... We were joined digitally by none other than Mini herself. *sidebar* there's something so weird about watching the exact same television program as someone else who lives in a completely different time zone than you. Anyhoo... I almost can't bear the injustice of it all. 48 years old with three children under seven and a wife that you're really just getting to know. It's too much...

So I'm wondering about the appropriateness of murdering a family member by forcibly ejecting them from your moving vehicle. I mean if they could do it to mama on the train, then why can't I? Just things I be wonderin...

And last but not least, I am almost at my fundraising goal for the Avon Walk, but not quite. Yes, this is a shameless plug for donations. Please go to and help support a very worthy cause. Thanks to all you guys who have already answered the call :)

Monday, July 28, 2008

My Pinky Toe

This is how I have managed to sprinkle a little joy into my life... "Need Sunglasses" by OPI. I loooooove my fingers and toes :)

And after I got home from getting that done, I started this

I wish that I had something profound and deep to say, but I don't. Maybe next time.

Friday, July 25, 2008


For someone who has a career, friends, and is 30 years old (almost 31), I lead an unbelievably boring life. I'm looking back on some old blog posts and how I always had something interesting to say or a funny story to tell. Now- nothing. All my pleasure comes from reading about others peoples' lives and watching them on TV. **sigh** I've been spending a lot of time lately questioning my decisions and evaluating my relationships. Friendship blows. And I'm afraid I'm in a rut.


Monday, July 14, 2008

New Yorker

Yeaahhh... about that First Amendment foolishness...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

Forgot to post this... actually I just checked out of the hospital where I had to seek treatment for my dislocated shoulder after I took this photograph :) There's more to the quote (obviously), but pain must only be endured in stages.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Can You Blog Every Two Weeks?

Flowers came yesterday... this time it was a "Farmer's Bouquet." No, I do not have any idea what that consists of, but it appears to be lots of greenery, some lilies, and some other pink stuff. I like them.

I can't believe that it is already Wednesday... the weekend went by so quickly that I can hardly believe that it happened. Friday morning I got up ridiculously early to drop Stone off at the kennel, and then headed southbound. It rained practically the entire way, but I made it in one piece. Deviled eggs with caviar, fried green tomatoes, shrimp and grits, and two very large and rather beautiful green cocktails later, I rolled (cause I surely couldn't walk after all that) over to the movies and saw Hancock with my favorite linesister. I liked the movie... alot. And I sooooo adore Will Smith. Best line of the entire flick? "That's 'cause I've been drinkin, BITCH!!" **sigh** Love. As I am typing this, I have come to the realization that I don't feel like typing anymore, and I am pretty sure you guys don't care about the details. The weekend (most of it) was pretty great.... I love seeing people that I haven't seen in a while, especially when they remind you of how special and important true friendship really is. So, late night text marathons and unintentional insults aside, it was a rather happy holiday.

I can't remember what I was reading the last time I talked about books, but whatever it was, I finished it. Was it "Lipstick Jungle?" No, I think I had finished that already. Ah well... now I'm back to Jodi Picoult and reading "The Tenth Circle." kinda slow start, not so sure how I feel about it yet.

Today I made a bit of a change... you likey?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Lala Land

Yay! One more day and I'm off to LaLa land!!!! Get it? La... La... Land???? Anywhoo- I'm going to meet La this weekend!!

**hear that?**

That was my baited breath, lol.

In 48 short hours I will be off to some undisclosed Eastern seaboard town to meet and greet the enigma that is La. Yippee! Lest you worry that I am geeked out over the potential of coming face to face with someone that has previously only been known to me via computer screen, pipe down. I'm really not that much of a loser. I am going south to have lunch with friends, shop with sisters, party with strangers, get a new tattoo, play with my favorite toddler, and....

Then meet La.


It's gonna be soooooooo...


Ra.... Yeah, fun.